
ecology of a tick-borne spotted fever in southern grande do sul is the southernmost state of brazil, bordering uruguay. clinical cases of spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiosis were recently reported in rio grande do sul. none of these cases was lethal, and all were confirmed by seroconversion to r. rickettsii antigens. because serological cross-reactions are well known to occur between different sfg agents, the sfg agent responsible for the clinical cases remains unknown in rio grande do sul, where no rickettsial agent is known to infect ...201627392739
[Epidemiologic profile of human anti-rabies treatment in Porto Alegre, RS, brazil].Animal bites are injuries that carry the risk of rabies transmission, a disease with a 100% mortality rate. The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiologic profiles of post exposure human anti-rabies treatments and to analyze whether prescriptions were appropriate. This cross-sectional study collected data from the forms of the Brazilian Notification System (Sistema Nacional Agravos de Notificação - SINAN), which were filled out by the professionals responsible for treatment in heal ...201122124927
paracoccidioidomycosis infection in domestic and wild mammals by paracoccidioides lutzii.paracoccidioidomycosis (pcm) is a systemic mycosis that occurs in several latin american countries, especially in brazil. it is caused by the thermo-dimorphic fungus paracoccidioides spp. serological studies to detect animal infection represent an excellent strategy for data on the agent's ecology. although the state of rio grande do sul (rs) is an endemic area for pcm in humans, there is scarce information available on the ecology of the agent in the region. this study aimed to investigate the ...201728295653
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