
host-feeding patterns of potential human disease vectors in the paraíba valley region, state of säo paulo, brazil.engorged females of aedes albopictus, ochlerotatus scapularis, culex nigripalpus and culex quinquefasciatus were collected by aspiration and sweep net during two years in tremembé county, state of säo paulo, brazil. of the 1,092 specimens analyzed with the precipitin test, 87.6% reacted to one or more of the eight antisera tested. of the four species for which the host determination was made, the reaction in 98.5% was to a single host. the application of the feeding index for four species of mos ...200312831131
molecular epidemiology of rabies from maranhão and surrounding states in the northeastern region of brazil.although many outbreaks of rabies have been reported in northern brazil, few epidemiological studies of these outbreaks have been undertaken. in this study, molecular epidemiological analyses were performed using 41 rabies virus samples isolated in the maranhão (ma), pará (pa), and tocantins (to) states of northeastern brazil. a 599-bp region of the glycoprotein (g) gene was first amplified from each sample by rt-pcr, then sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. a phylogenetic tree div ...200616773238
seroepidemiology of toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum in dogs from the state of paraíba, northeast region of brazil.a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of anti-toxoplasma gondii and anti-neospora caninum antibodies and to investigate the risk factors related to antibodies against t. gondii and n. caninum in dogs of the city of campina grande, state of paraiba, northeast region of brazil. for this purpose, 286 blood samples were collected from dogs during the rabies vaccination campaign, in september 2003, and on this occasion questionnaires addressing epidemiological aspects ...200415894024
plague surveillance in brazil: 1983-1992.plague caused by yersinia pestis, has persisted in brazil in several natural foci spread throughout rural areas in the states of ceara, paraiba, pernambuco, piaui, rio grande do norte, alagoas, bahia, minas gerais and rio de janeiro. nationwide surveillance of plague in brazil based on serological testing started in 1983. we now present an update report of the examinations carried out in our laboratory from 1983 to 1992. the passive hemagglutination test for antibodies against fraction 1a antige ...19958731264
[kala-azar in the coast of region of the state of paraiba, brazil. findings of 70 human and 16 canine cases]. 19744458027
[bacteriologic and serologic studies of an outbreak of plague in the state of paraíba, brazil].during a plaque outbreak in the borborema plateau focus (paraiba), bacteriological and serological studies were carried out in material from 452 patients (48 positives), 1,938 rodents and other small mammals (75 positives), 4,756 dogs (141 positives) and 2,047 cats (57 positives) obtained from 41 counties (out of which, 21 produced positive samples). twenty yersinia pestis strains isolated from material from 3 patients and 17 rodents, displayed biochemical reactions, virulence factors, antibioti ...19892635752
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