
studies on the occurrence and distribution of hi antibodies against some arboviruses in the serum of domestic mammals in puglia.the virological and serological studies previously carried out on arboviruses in italy are reviewed. the presence of antibodies to 11 arboviruses was investigated in the serum of various domestic animals (100 horses, 107 pigs, 102 sheep, 205 goats, 100 cattle and 200 dogs) from some areas of puglia. the techniques are described. the results, given in tables and discussed in detail, support the hypothesis that in this region also there are arboviruses circulating, particularly those of group b.1977201546
[seroepidemiological studies on zoonoses in farm workers in apulia]. 19958663974
[human cystic hydatidosis in italy: a public health emergency? past to present].starting from 1991 the central office of statistics istat, according to changed regulations on notification of infective diseases, stopped reporting official national data on human hydatidosis. on the other hand until then notified data, concerning only about a hundred cases per year in mean during the last decades and just 36 in 1991, appeared unreliable, suggesting a diffusion far from the actual. owing to specific studies on different research groups it is possible to try to describe a not ex ...200415305684
canine leishmaniasis in the gargano promontory (apulia, south italy).we examined 444 dogs by visiting farms and peripheral districts on the gargano promontory (province of foggia, apulia, south italy). clinical examination and immunofluorescence antibody test for leishmaniasis were performed. bone marrow and lymph node samples obtained from 25 dogs with positive serological test were cultured on tobie-evans medium. the results obtained show both a higher seropositivity rate for canine leishmaniasis (14.4%) and a higher percentage of asymptomatic dogs with positiv ...19921644148
[epizoology of leishmaniasis in the province of foggia: leishmaniasis in the dog].the authors value the sensibility and the advantage of the different serological tests for the diagnosis of canine leishmaniasis (immunodiffusion, complement fixation and immunofluorescent tests) and give the results obtained from an epizoological survey carried out on dogs in the province of foggia (italy). the immunofluorescent test, whose positivity sera titre has fixed at the diluition of 1:10, resulted the most appropriate. in more than 400 animals examined, all from the 50 communes of the ...19751233399
accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticide in pet cats and dogs: assessment of toxicological status.pcb and ddt concentrations were determined in the adipose tissue of cats and dogs from southern italy. in cats p,p'-dde was the most abundant ddt component (95.0%), while in dogs these compounds were absent, except in two specimens. pcb concentrations were higher in cats (199.02 ng g(-1) lipid weight) than in dogs (41.61 ng g(-1) lipid weight). also there were inter-specific differences in the contribution of the different congeners to pcbs, although pcb 138, pcb 153 and pcb 180 were the most re ...200919836059
[ecology of thelazia spp. in cattle and their vectors in italy].the genus thelazia (spirurida, thelaziidae) includes a cosmopolitan group of eyeworm spirurids responsible for ocular infections in domestic and wild animals and transmitted by different species of muscids. bovine thelaziosis is caused by thelazia rhodesi desmarest 1828, thelazia gulosa railliet & henry 1910, and thelazia skrjabini erschow 1928, which occur in many countries; t. gulosa and t. skrjabini have been reported mainly in the new world, while t. rhodesi is particularly common in the old ...200415305729
serological and molecular evidence that canine respiratory coronavirus is circulating in italy.canine respiratory coronavirus (crcov) is a group ii coronavirus that was firstly identified in lung samples of dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease (cird) in uk in 2003. we report for the first time the identification of crcov in italy, together with serological evidence that the virus has been circulating in the italian dog population as from 2005. serological investigations on 216 dog sera, carried out by an elisa test using the strictly related bovine coronavirus (bcov) as antigen ...200717215093
incidences of canine leishmaniasis in an endemic area of southern italy.canine leishmaniasis (canl), caused by leishmania infantum, is widely distributed in many mediterranean countries and is considered endemic in southern and central italy with prevalence reaching up to 48.4%. determination of the incidence would be useful as a measure of the risk of infection, then to evaluate the usefulness of control measures and to estimate whether a new focus is autochthonous or imported. this study was performed on two sites in the apulia region of southern italy, namely sit ...200616907963
phlebotomine sand fly population dynamics in a leishmaniasis endemic peri-urban area in southern italy.a 2-year survey was carried out from may to november 2008 and 2009 to study the sand fly species composition, its seasonal phenology and density in apulia region (southern, italy). the study was conducted in a dog shelter located in a new residential urban district where leishmania infantum is endemic. sand flies were collected using sticky traps from may to november, at about 7-day intervals. temperature and relative humidity were recorded daily. in december 2008, general environmental improvem ...201020816927
application of 10% imidacloprid/50% permethrin to prevent ehrlichia canis exposure in dogs under natural conditions.canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (cme) caused by ehrlichia canis is the most known canine tick-borne disease (tbd) spread throughout the world. preventing tick bites is a priority to reduce the risk of tbds and it was the aim of the present study to evaluate the efficacy of a combination of imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50% (imper) (advantix; bayer ag, germany) in a spot-on formulation to control cme under field conditions. on january-march 2005, 845 dogs from two kennels in southern italy (kenne ...200818359166
canine and feline infections by cardiopulmonary nematodes in central and southern italy.capillaria aerophila, aelurostrongylus abstrusus, angiostrongylus vasorum and dirofilaria immitis are cardiopulmonary nematodes affecting dogs and cats and presently emerging in several countries. the results obtained in 2009 - 2010 during a study aiming to investigate the occurrence of these nematodes in regions from central (marche and abruzzo regions - sites a and b, respectively) and southern (apulia - site c) italy are here reported. a total of 534 and 436 individual faecal samples collecte ...201121739378
epidemiological and virological assessment of influenza activity in apulia, italy, during the seasons 2004 - 2005 and 2005 - 2006.this study evaluated the impact of influenza and vaccination coverage in apulia, italy, during the 2004 - 2005 and 2005 - 2006 seasons, using epidemiological and virological surveillance data collected through the italian net of surveillance of influenza (influnet) organized by the superior institute of health (iss) and the inter-university centre of research on influenza (ciri). vaccination coverage was calculated from the number of doses administered to individuals aged >or= 65 years. sentinel ...200717900405
efficacy of a combination of 10% imidacloprid/50% permethrin for the prevention of leishmaniasis in kennelled dogs in an endemic area.the efficacy of imidacloprid 10%and permethrin 50% (advantix; bayer ag, germany) in a spot-on formulation was evaluated in the field as a control measure to prevent canine leishmaniasis (canl) in dogs in an endemic area of southern italy. in february 2005, out of 845 dogs initially tested for canl, 631 dogs which tested negative (315 from a kennel in bari (kb) and 316 from a kennel in ginosa (kg)) in a serological and a parasitological examination were allocated to one of three groups: group a-t ...200717258860
environmental monitoring and analysis of faecal contamination in an urban setting in the city of bari (apulia region, italy): health and hygiene implications.few studies have been conducted in italy to quantify the potential risk associated with dynamics and distribution of pathogens in urban settings. the aim of this study was to acquire data on the environmental faecal contamination in urban ecosystems, by assessing the presence of pathogens in public areas in the city of bari (apulia region, italy). to determine the degree of environmental contamination, samples of dog faeces and bird guano were collected from different areas in the city of bari ( ...201021139871
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