
man-bait catch of phlebotomus perniciosus (diptera, psycodidae) in a human and canine leishmaniasis focus in central catches of phlebotomus perniciosus were carried out in a human and canine leishmaniasis focus in central italy (monte argentario, grosseto) to evaluate the man-sandfly contact of this vector. p. perniciosus females were collected biting on man outside, during the first hours of the night, when the local people are at risk. the results of these captures are discussed and the man-sandfly contact is considered in relation to the epidemiological aspects of the disease in the area under stud ...19846599999
human subcutaneous dirofilariasis. 2. a report of 5 new cases of dirofilaria repens in central and northern italy and of a sixth case with uncertain parasitological diagnosis.six new human cases of subcutaneous filariasis (histological sections) in lombardia, emilia-romagna and toscana are described. five of them are to attribute to dirofilaria repens, whereas some doubts exist with regard to one case. the findings are compared with histological sections of male and female specimens of d. repens and d. immitis recovered from naturally infected dogs.19826926933
[monitoring of canine leishmaniasis in northern italy: an update from a scientific network].canine leishmaniasis (canl) due to leishmania infantum is a disease of great veterinary importance and a serious public health problem. in humans, l. infantum causes visceral (vl) and cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) and the distribution of vl overlaps that of canl. currently, vl is considered by who as an emerging zoonosis in southern europe. the dog is the only domestic reservoir of the infection and phlebotomine sandflies are the only proven vectors of leishmaniasis for dogs and humans. canl is e ...200415305715
cystic echinococcosis in italy from the 1950s to italy the epidemiological pattern of cistic echinococcosis (ce) is incomplete and the information for most regions is out of date, contradictory, and almost exclusively limited to the intermediate hosts. the disease is found most frequently in particular social and economic conditions: widespread use of extensive or semi-extensive sheep farming, illegal slaughtering, and high numbers of sheepdogs and other types of dogs. the highest incidence in sheep is found in sardinia (70.6-92.8%), sicily ...200416044697
diabetes in the young: from leicester to siena (via oslo, bethesda and hvidore). 200516915789
dermatophytes isolated from symptomatic dogs and cats in tuscany, italy during a 15-year-period.between january, 1, 1986 and december, 31, 2000, dermatological specimens from 10.678 animals (7.650 cats and 3.028 dogs) were examined for dermatophytes. all the animals presented clinical signs of ringworm. two thousand-four hundred fifty-six of the 10.678 (23%) examined animals scored positive for dermatophytes, 566 out of 3.028 canine (18.7%) and 1890 out of 7.650 feline specimens (24.7%). microsporum canis constituted 83% and 97% of the isolated dermatophytes respectively in dogs and cats, ...200212715942
low risk of lyme borreliosis in a protected area on the tyrrhenian coast, in central italy.a comprehensive lyme borreliosis risk assessment process was applied in s. rossore estate, on the tyrrhenian coast, near pisa, italy. host-seeking ixodes ricinus nymphs peaked in may in oak-dominated deciduous wood (median, q1-q3, number of nymphs/50 m dragging = 4.5, 2.5-8), whereas host-seeking larvae peaked in august in the same habitat type (6.0, 4-17/50 m dragging). prevalence of i. ricinus infestation was 88.9% in wild rodents (n = 11), 64.3% in fallow deer (n = 28) and 0.0% in wild boars ...199910414379
leishmaniasis in tuscany (italy). (iii) the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis in two foci of grosseto province. 19807434444
leishmaniasis in tuscany (italy): (ii) leishmania form wild bodentia and carnivora in a human and canine leishmaniasis focus.from april 1977 to february 1978, wild mammals were trapped in a focus of low leishmanial endemicity (baccinello) in the province of grosseto (tuscany, italy). spleen homogenates of the trapped animals were injected i.p. into hamsters, from which spleen biopsies were taken after 60 days and impression smears carefully observed for the presence of leishmania. positive spleens were subinoculated into hamsters. 404 animals of 12 species were trapped: 31 insectivores, 317 rodents and 56 carnivores. ...19807434419
leishmaniasis in tuscany (italy) v. further isolation of leishmania from rattus rattus in the province of grosseto. 19817305507
[the elba triad: harara, light dermatoses, leishmaniasis. the ecological background].a report is given on a travel to elba, the largest island of the tuscany archepelago (italy) and a holiday place preferred by german speaking tourists. in the last years some cases of visceral leishmaniasis and oriental sores, respectively, were introduced to germany from this island. the geoecological background of this development was investigated. reproduction and spread of the most abundant sandfly species phlebotomus (laroussius) perniciosus favour ruinous buildings, actually used as animal ...19817016813
leishmaniasis in tuscany (italy): vi. canine leishmaniasis in the focus of monte argentario (grosseto).the results of a survey of canine leishmaniasis in the coastal focus of monte argentario (tuscany, italy) are reported. of the 171 dogs examined, 41 (23.9%) were positive in the fluorescent antibody test (fat), but only 12 (7.0%) were positive by microscopic observation of lymphatic ganglia. of the 41 fat positive dogs, 17 (10.0%) showed signs of the disease. the evolution of leishmaniasis over one year from the first examination showed that 88.0% of the dogs with signs died of the disease, and ...19816123246
[on the epidemiology of hymenolepiasis. ii. diffusion of hymenolepis nana in animals in pisa urban area]. 19685740692
prevalence, ultrastructure of the cyst wall and infectivity for the dog and cat of sarcocystis sp. from fallow deer (cervus dama).the prevalence of sarcocystis sp. (protozoa: sarcocystidae) in fallow deer (cervus dama) in tuscany, italy was determined by digestion technique and histological examination. forty-four of 45 fallow deer were infected. infections occurred in adult deer and in fawns. samples from the heart were more intensively parasitized than samples from tongue, oesophagus and diaphragm muscle. with transmission electron microscopy, the primary cyst wall was folded and formed narrow, overlapping, sinuous proje ...19883127606
behavioural and physiological indicators of shelter dogs' welfare: reflections on the no-kill policy on free-ranging dogs in italy revisited on the basis of 15 years of implementation.the italian national law 281 of 1991 forbids the euthanatization of free-ranging dogs, unless they have an incurable illness or are proved to be dangerous. without neglecting the undeniable benefits of the "no-kill" policy, nevertheless it has brought about a chronic overpopulation in shelters and, as a result, higher costs of management and welfare problems since some dogs remain in the shelter for life. in 2004-2008, the istituto zooprofilattico sperimentale of the lazio and tuscany regions ca ...201424907692
molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 and type 2 in free-ranging red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in date, no studies exist regarding the presence of canine adenovirus (cadv) infection in foxes in italy. furthermore, the majority of worldwide investigations regarding the presence of cadv in foxes have been carried out using common serological assays which are unable to differentiate between cadv type 1 and cadv type 2. to assess the presence of viral infection in italian red foxes (vulpes vulpes), thirty-two subjects shot during the regular hunting season in the province of pisa (tuscany, it ...201323201241
first description of nodular onchocercosis (onchocerca jakutensis) in free-ranging italian red deer (cervus elaphus).onchocercosis is a vector-transmitted parasitic disease involving wild and domestic ungulates, humans, and dogs. red deer (cervus elaphus) host numerous onchocerca spp. which have precise anatomic sites in the host and two species, onchocerca flexuosa wedl, 1856 and onchocerca jakutensis guba-now, 1964, are found inside subcutaneous nodules. between september and november 2007, subcutaneous nodules were observed on both thighs in shot red deer of a tuscany population. we observed cystic structur ...201122102667
contaminated commercial dehydrated food as source of multiple salmonella serotypes outbreak in a municipal kennel in tuscany.the authors describe a large outbreak of canine salmonellosis in a municipal kennel in tuscany. during the outbreak, 174 samples of 'diarrhetic' and 'normal' faeces and two batches of commercial dehydrated dog food were cultured for pathogenic bacteria. the results of 25, out of a total of 41 dogs (60.9%) revealed at least one faecal sample as being positive for salmonella; incidence per sampling ranged from 12.5% to 34%. nine of 10 samples of dehydrated food were positive. ten totally different ...201121706471
canine filarial infections in tuscany, central italy.this study was conducted in order to investigate the epidemiology of filarial species in a region of central italy (tuscany) in dogs that did not undergo prophylaxis for filariasis. from 2007 to 2009, 630 blood samples were collected from 40 kennels throughout the regional territory. samples were analysed with knott's modified test and with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of dirofilaria immitis antigens, those positive for microfilariae were also subjected to histo ...201121457611
tinea capitis in siena, italy. an 18-year the period 1980-1998, 181 cases of tinea capitis out of a total of 1480 cases of dermatophytosis were observed in siena, italy; 176 cases were children (mean age 6 years, range 45 days to 14 years; 91 boys, 85 girls) and the other five cases were postmenopausal women. diagnosis was made on the basis of culture which was positive in 179 cases, and direct microscopic observation which was positive in 155 of 179 cases. in two cases, positive direct microscopic results were not confirmed by the c ...199910592701
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