
allergens and endotoxin in settled dust from day-care centers and schools in oslo, norway.allergy to indoor allergens can cause frequent and severe health problems in children. because little is known about the content of allergens in the indoor environments in norway, we wanted to assess the levels of cat, dog and mite allergens in schools and day-care centers in oslo. allergen levels in dust samples from 155 classrooms and 81 day-care units were measured using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) kits. additionally, we measured the levels of endotoxin in ...200516108908
first case of babesiosis caused by babesia canis canis in a dog from irish setter from the oslo area was presented to the clinic with signs of babesiosis, a few days after a tick bite. blood analysis confirmed babesiosis. microscopic examination of thin blood film revealed large, basophilic, bodies inside erythrocytes, indicative of a large babesia sp. molecular analysis using pcr, indicated the presence of a babesia spp. in the blood. sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the pcr fragment revealed a sequence which was 100% identical to babesia canis canis 1 ...201020378251
exposure to pets and atopy-related diseases in the first 4 years of is still unclear how early-life exposure to pets is related to children's risk of developing atopy-related diseases. we estimated associations between early-life exposure to pets and atopy-related diseases at 0-4 years of life in a cohort of norwegian children.200111284797
[animal bites at the casualty department of the oslo city council].during a 2-year period all casualty department data charts with the diagnosis "animal bite" were reviewed as part of internal quality control. of 1,051 recorded episodes, 503 (48%) were women and 147 (14%) children under 16 years of age. 951 (90%) wounds were treated without closure. half of the patients were not given antibiotics on the first visit, whereas one third were given penicillin. tetanus status had been evaluated on 1,015 (97%) charts. most bites were caused by dogs (76%), cats (17%), ...19989673507
[a 100 year old thesis. amanuensis hans christian geelmuyden].hans christian geelmuyden (1861-1945) was amanuensis (assistant professor) at the institute of physiology, university of oslo from 1889 to 1931. in 1897 he was awarded the degree "doctor of medicine" for his thesis "om aceton som stofvexelprodukt" (on acetone as a metabolic product). the nobel laureate feodor lynen referred to this thesis, which was also published in german, stating that geelmuyden was the first to establish that ketone bodies are formed from fatty acids. geelmuyden also establi ...19979456588
[campylobacter infection. epidemiology, risk factors and preventive measures].campylobacter bacteria are a significant cause of diarrhoea in norway. this article reviews aspects of epidemiology, risk factors, and prevention of the disease, with special emphasis on a case-control study conducted in the oslo region. the results indicate that the following preventive measures are likely to have the greatest impact on the occurrence of the infection: (a) providing consumers with drinking water of adequate hygienic quality, (b) good hygienic practices when in contact with dogs ...19948009498
diabetes in the young: from leicester to siena (via oslo, bethesda and hvidore). 200516915789
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