
[ecology of leishmaniasis in southern france. 16. contribution to the chemotaxonomy of parasites of mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis. apropos of 55 strains isolated in the cévennes, cote d'azur, corsica and tunisia]. 19817259002
[the dog in r. coroni (brumpt, 1932) mediterranean rickettsiosis. results of a seroimmunological study on 634 samples collected in hérault, vaucluse and upper corsica]. 19817259009
environmental asbestotic pleural plaques in northeast corsica: correlations with airborne and pleural mineralogic analysis.we report a prevalence study of environmental pleural plaques in subjects over 50 years old from the northeastern corsican village of murato, built on asbestos surface deposits. the percentage of plaques was 41%, versus 7.5% in the control village of vezzani. although surface deposits contain both chrysotile and tremolite, airborne pollution and asbestos lung burden of exposed inhabitants consist essentially of tremolite as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (tem). however, tem analysi ...19947882944
[environmental mesotheliomas in northeast corsica].since 1980, we have collected fourteen cases of mesothelioma induced by environmental exposure to asbestos, going back to childhood in patients from north-east corsica, in a region which was remote from the asbestos mine of canari. there were eight men and six women with a mean age of 69.5 +/- 4 years. six patients presented with bilateral calcified pleural plaques as evidence of environmental exposure. the mineral analysis carried out on five patients (four had thoracoscopies and one an alveola ...19938235025
environmental pleural plaques in an asbestos exposed population of northeast corsica.the purpose of this study was to determine whether the inhabitants of villages environmentally exposed to asbestos, in northeast corsica, had a higher incidence of pleural plaques. x-rays were obtained from subjects aged over 50 yrs, with no occupational exposure to asbestos or history of pleural disease, in one village exposed to asbestos, murato, and a nonexposed, control village, vezzani. in addition, the mineral content of the air and parietal pleura of animals in the exposed zone was studie ...19938396536
[endemic subcutaneous dirofilaria repens filariasis in southern france].human dirofilariosis is endemic in southern france. the causal agent is dirofilaria repens transmitted to man by mosquitos. the human organism is an accidental host while the dog is the reservoir. approximately 60 cases have been reported in france, mainly in southern continental areas and corsica. most cases involve subcutaneous and occular manifestations.19989747300
human dirofilariasis due to dirofilaria repens in france. a review of reported france, more than 5,000 dogs have been tested for dirofilaria in 1986. among them, 1.4% harboured dirofilaria repens microfilariae in their blood. most of the positive cases were from corsica and southern france. the reported cases of human dirofilariasis probably or surely due to d. repens in france are here reviewed. about 60 cases have been observed but approximately 30, more or less well documented, have been published from 1900 to 1996. a subconjunctival location of the worm and a subcut ...19979802096
importance in france of the infestation by dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens in dogs.the presence of dirofilaria repens has been mentioned in europe, in africa and in asia, in different carnivores (dogs, foxes, cats, lions). in europe the nematode has been reported in dogs, cats and foxes and the countries concerned by native cases are italy, spain, greece, yugoslavia and france. in france, until now, d. repens has been described, among animals, only in dogs. the first undoubted report dates back to 1953. later, the prevalence was studied through widespread surveys (1986-1988-19 ...19979802099
isoenzymatic analysis of 712 strains of leishmania infantum in the south of france and relationship of enzymatic polymorphism to clinical and epidemiological the south of france, leishmaniasis due to leishmania infantum occurs in the following five foci of endemicity (from west to east): pyrénées-orientales, cévennes, provence, côte d'azur, and corsica. between 1981 and 2002, 712 leishmania strains obtained from humans, dogs, cats, and sand flies were studied by isoenzyme analysis. in total, seven zymodemes were identified: mon-1, mon-11, mon-24, mon-29, mon-33, mon-34, and mon-108. the pyrénées-orientales focus is characterized by a predominance ...200415364993
[human dirofilariasis: 3 cases in the south of france].dirofilariasis is a zoonosis usually found in dogs and cats. it is rare in humans, who are dead-end hosts for the parasite.200717398064
ehrlichia canis phylogenetic analysis of the borgo (corsica) strain. 200919456800
occurrence of dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne infections caused by anaplasma phagocytophilum, borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and ehrlichia canis in domestic dogs in france: results of a countrywide serologic survey.the occurrence of dirofilaria immitis antigen and antibodies against tick-borne pathogens in french dogs has been analysed based on 1,050 blood samples. serum samples of 919 dogs (group a) were sent for a variety of diagnostic investigations, further 131 dogs (group b) were tested for a tentative diagnosis of heartworm disease. all samples were tested for d. immitis antigen. samples in group a were also tested for specific antibodies against three tick-borne pathogens (anaplasma phagocytophilum, ...200919575231
canine leishmaniasis in south-east of france: screening of leishmania infantum antibodies (western blotting, elisa) and parasitaemia levels by pcr quantification.leishmania infantum leishmaniasis is endemic in south-east of france. the main goal of our study was to evaluate the real prevalence of asymptomatic carriage in dogs by means of real time quantitative pcr (qpcr) and serology. we included prospectively 140 military dogs wearing deltamethrine-impregnated collars. parasitaemia levels were then measured by means of quantitative real time pcr targeting kinetoplast dna with taqman chemistry. elisa and western blotting (wb) were used for serological sc ...200919720466
[a new case of subcutaneous dirofilariasis].authors describe another case of subcutaneous dirofilariasis due to dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens in france. a 26-year-old woman was infected while on vacation in cap d'agde on the mediterranean coast. the patient presented with a subcutaneous nodule in the right subclavicular region. examination of the nodule after surgical excision revealed the presence of a worm identified as an immature female dirofilaria repens. dirofilariasis is a rare anthroponotic disease encountered only in the old wo ...199910816750
[human dirofilariasis in corsica: a new local case. review of reported cases].a case of human dirofilariasis with dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens, located in a subcutaneous nodule of the arch of the foot is reported in a 64-year-old man living in the surroundings of porto vecchio in corsica. the histological examination of this nodule has revealed a gravid female nematode, dead some weeks or months before its surgical excision. it is the second case of human dirofilariasis observed in a patient living on the island. the authors are surprised by the number of patients repo ...199910690464
aedes albopictus: a potential problem in france.aedes albopictus, a mosquito of asian origin, has been rapidly spreading in all the continents since a decade: it is now established in north and south america, africa, oceania and even in europe where it was detected in albania, 1979 and in italy, 1990. the international shipping trade of used tires provides to ae. albopictus an ideal mechanism of dissemination, and everywhere the tire stocks constitute an extremely productive ecological niche. now, this mosquito is present in several localitie ...19958778652
[dirofilariasis in humans. report of a case with localization in the cheek (author's transl)].cutaneous dirofilariasis usually affects animals (dogs and cats) but can occur in human-beings. occasionally, this cosmopolitan disease is seen in france. our case-report is the sixteenth registered in france. the patient, a forty-two-year-old man, was infected in corsica. he presented with a tumor of the right cheek from which a pregnant adult dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens was extracted.19826287629
serodiagnosis and screening of canine visceral leishmaniasis in an endemic area of corsica: applicability of a direct agglutination test and immunoblot analysis.for effective control of visceral leishmaniasis caused by leishmania infantum in the mediterranean area, the detection of infected dogs is of utmost importance. to assess the suitability of a direct agglutination test (dat) and immunoblot analysis in serodiagnosis and screening of infected dogs under field conditions, a study was performed on 113 dogs in an endemic area of corsica. twenty one of 22 parasitologically confirmed cases were correctly diagnosed by both tests, and 100% specificity was ...19921471734
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