[development of rabies in lower saxony in the years 1951-1975]. | | 1976 | 782825 |
[dog slaughtering in germany in the 19th and 20th centuries with special consideration of the munich area]. | in the 19th century professional dog slaughter and also the public sale of dog flesh arose. these slaughter and the sale was mainly practised by horse butchers. in germany dogs had been mostly slaughtered in sachsen, schlesien, anhalt and bayern. from 1905 to 1940 the meat of 235.144 dogs was inspected. but the true number of slaughtered dogs was certainly larger. yet in the fifties dogs were professionally slaughtered. after 1960 the slaughter dropped. sporadically dog flesh was used as human f ... | 1992 | 1463437 |
[environmental hygienic aspects of echinococcosis]. | a literature review on the current situation of echinococcosis in central europe is given. the only final host for echinococcus granulosus in this region ist the dog. the infection rate of dogs with e. granulosus in central europe is less than 1%. according to meat inspection statistics in germany less than 0.008% of sheep, pigs and horses carry larval stages of e. granulosus. parasitologically confirmed is the occurrence of a cattle-dog strain, the cysts of which were found in 0.26% of slaughte ... | 1992 | 1516550 |
[inquiry of veterinarians in niedersachsen concerning the occurrence of parasitic diseases and their control in small animals]. | a questionnaire was sent to all veterinarians in lower saxony (approximately 3500). the regular occurrence of parasitic infections in small animals, problems with particular parasites, the routine application of diagnostic and therapeutic measures, and the significance of echinococcus multilocularis were asked for. due to the disappointing low number of filled-in questionnaires sent back by the practitioners (n = 68) a statistical analysis of the data was not applicable. nevertheless, certain tr ... | 1995 | 7600942 |
[victor hofmeister (1829-1994), königl. dresden veterinary school--contributions to digestive physiology and animal nutrition]. | victor hofmeister (1829-1894), a chemist, was active between 1862-1894 at the tierärztliche hochschule dresden. his common work with haubner, siedamgrotzky and especially ellenberger supplied basis information on digestibility of feestuffs (sheep, horses) about various clinical-chemical or toxicological questions, but particularly about the digestive physiology in horses, pigs, dogs and ruminants. the main results of the research group in dresden outlast the last 100 years and represent valuable ... | 2000 | 10887670 |
[increase in the prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis infection in red foxes in lower saxony]. | echinococcus multilocularis is a tapeworm having carnivores as final hosts, the red fox in particular, dog and cat less frequent. its two host life cycle consists of a larval cycle which predominantly takes place in the liver of rodents such as mice but it can also develop in musk rats as intermediate hosts. man can also be infected and serves as a wrong intermediate host. he develops an alveolar echinococcosis which usually ends lethal without medical treatment. the prevalence of e. multilocula ... | 2001 | 11417378 |
evidence for an increased geographical distribution of dermacentor reticulatus in germany and detection of rickettsia sp. rpa4. | two studies were performed to elucidate the current distribution of the tick dermacentor reticulatus in germany. in the first one in 2003, a total of 365 dogs from 171 sites in the states of berlin and brandenburg was screened for ticks, and the corresponding outdoor sites that the dogs usually visited were searched for host-seeking ticks by the flagging method. a total of 1155 ticks was removed from the dogs. the majority were ixodes ricinus (88.5%), followed by d. reticulatus (9.1%) and i. hex ... | 2006 | 16524777 |
[georg kelling (1866-1945): the man who introduced modern laparoscopy into medicine]. | on 23 september 1901, georg kelling (1866-1945) from dresden performed a celioscopy with a nitze cystoscope on a dog in hamburg. this was the beginning of the era of laparoscopy.his doctoral thesis already reflected his early interest in the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. this experience, together with his knowledge on air insufflation of the abdomen, enabled him to be the first to develop the procedure he named "celioscopy." during this pioneer time of laparoscopy, he dev ... | 2006 | 16773385 |
[seroprevalence of anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs in germany]. | to determine the prevalence of anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in germany serum samples from 1124 dogs that were under suspicion of having anaplasmosis were examined. the samples were tested by an indirect immunofluorescence test (oft) for antibodies to a. phagocytophilum. the geographical origin of positive cases were analysed with an geographic information system. antibodies to a. phagocytophilum were found in 563 (50.1%) of the tested dogs. 166 dogs came from saarland, 161 from north rhine- ... | 2006 | 17009720 |
georg kelling (1866-1945): the root of modern day minimal invasive surgery. a forgotten legend? | on 23 september 1901, at the 73rd meeting of the society of german natural scientists and physicians in hamburg, following his lecture "on the inspection of the gullet and the stomach with flexible instruments", the surgeon and gastroenterologist georg kelling from dresden performed a laparoscopy on a dog. he called this procedure coelioscopy. kelling's ingenious idea to connect his oral insufflation device with the fiedler trocar and the nitze cystocope, led to the coelioscopy in 1901 and marke ... | 2007 | 17458553 |
[assessment of a bullterrier bloodline in the temperament test of lower saxony--comparison with six dog breeds affected by breed specific legislation and a control group of golden retrievers]. | the expertise on the interpretation of section 11b tierschg implies a hypertrophy of aggressive behaviour in some bloodlines of bullterriers, american staffordshire terriers, and pitbull type dogs. this study aimed at finding out whether a hypertrophy of aggressive behaviour occurred in a certain bullterrier bloodline. dogs of this line were tested according to the guidelines of the dangerous animals act of lower saxony, germany (geftvo) enacted on july 5th 2000. the bullterriers' test results t ... | 2009 | 19425313 |
natural infections of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis in dogs in germany (2007-2009). | in order to assess the occurrence and regional geographical distribution of angiostrongylus vasorum and crenosoma vulpis in germany, faecal samples of 810 dogs with clinical symptoms of respiratory and circulatory disease, bleeding disorder and/or neurological signs were collected from september 2007 to march 2009. the zinc chloride/sodium chloride flotation and baermann funnel technique were used to examine the samples for presence of lungworm larvae. infections with lungworms were diagnosed in ... | 2009 | 19575224 |
[the german ophthalmological society (dog) during the period of national socialism]. | sixty-one years after the end of the hitler dictatorship, the history of the german ophthalmological society (dog) has still hardly been investigated. according to different sources, especially the reports of the dog congresses 1934, 1936, 1938, and 1940, the following picture can be drawn: 1. the seizure of power ("machtergreifung") of adolf hitler was appreciated by most of the dog members. 2. after a change of the constitution the dog came under the control of the "reichsinnenministerium". ho ... | 2006 | 17131246 |
[thirty years of the balloon catheter--a. grüntzig and percutaneous balloon angioplasty]. | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty--ptca--will forever be linked with a. gruentzig's name. building on the work of charles dotter and malvin judkins be developped novel technique of revascularisation and established a new speciality - interventional cardiology. the aim of this article is to sum up the most important data on gruentzig's revolutionary work. andreas roland gruentzig was born on june 25, 1939 in dresden, germany. in 1957 he received his b. a. in leipzig (german democrati ... | 2004 | 15730223 |
house dust endotoxin and allergic sensitization in children. | a higher exposure to endotoxin was hypothesized to contribute to lower prevalence of allergic sensitization and hay fever in children growing up on a farm. we studied the association between house dust endotoxin and allergic sensitization. we randomly selected 740 children, aged between 5 and 10 years, from a group of children who participated in two cross-sectional surveys performed in saxony-anhalt, germany, from 1992 to 1993 and from 1995 to 1996, such that 50% of the children were atopic or ... | 2002 | 12359650 |
traffic exposure and allergic sensitization against latex in children. | latex antigens have been found in urban air samples and in debris deposited near freeways. | 2000 | 10984380 |
[reflections on 100 years of animal breeding as mirrored in the deutsche tierärztliche wochenschrift]. | in 1893 a major component of veterinary practice derived from 4 million horses and from farm animals, whereas thousands of dogs were even slaughtered every year, especially in saxony and silesia. nowadays companion animals figure as an element of ever growing importance for the practitioner. teaching and research adapted themselves to this altered situation, research funding and professional politics not yet so completely. in former days veterinarians even presided the licensing committees for b ... | 1993 | 8223233 |
[detection of verotoxin-producing e. coli in field isolates from domestic and agricultural animals in sachsen-anhalt]. | a report is given on the detection of verotoxin-producing e. coli (vtec) strains from field isolates of healthy or ill cattle (n = 141), pigs (n = 306), sheep (n = 15), cats (n = 29) and dogs (n = 25) in the region of the new federal land sachsen-anhalt. 5% of the strains isolated from cattle, 32% from pigs, 20% from sheep, 4% from dogs and 0% from cats have shown vtec. the e. coli-strains were checked for the presence of other factors of virulence, too. a good correlation (82%) was found betwee ... | 1994 | 7802620 |
[on the regularities in the occurrence of rabies in the district of dresden. a contribution on the epizootiology of rabies]. | | 1967 | 5628331 |
occurrence and geographical distribution of canine distemper virus infection in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) of saxony-anhalt, germany. | canine distemper virus (cdv) infects dogs and a variety of carnivore species. in saxony-anhalt, a federal state of germany, 761 foxes were examined for cdv infection, using real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr), in the years 2010 and 2011. a prevalence of 30.5% was found for the whole time period without significant changes in prevalence between 2010 and 2011. the relative risk (rr) of a fox to test positive for cdv varied markedly within the area of the state and was significantly increased ... | 2013 | 22999912 |