
[detection of verotoxin-producing e. coli in field isolates from domestic and agricultural animals in sachsen-anhalt].a report is given on the detection of verotoxin-producing e. coli (vtec) strains from field isolates of healthy or ill cattle (n = 141), pigs (n = 306), sheep (n = 15), cats (n = 29) and dogs (n = 25) in the region of the new federal land sachsen-anhalt. 5% of the strains isolated from cattle, 32% from pigs, 20% from sheep, 4% from dogs and 0% from cats have shown vtec. the e. coli-strains were checked for the presence of other factors of virulence, too. a good correlation (82%) was found betwee ...19947802620
house dust endotoxin and allergic sensitization in children.a higher exposure to endotoxin was hypothesized to contribute to lower prevalence of allergic sensitization and hay fever in children growing up on a farm. we studied the association between house dust endotoxin and allergic sensitization. we randomly selected 740 children, aged between 5 and 10 years, from a group of children who participated in two cross-sectional surveys performed in saxony-anhalt, germany, from 1992 to 1993 and from 1995 to 1996, such that 50% of the children were atopic or ...200212359650
evidence for an increased geographical distribution of dermacentor reticulatus in germany and detection of rickettsia sp. rpa4.two studies were performed to elucidate the current distribution of the tick dermacentor reticulatus in germany. in the first one in 2003, a total of 365 dogs from 171 sites in the states of berlin and brandenburg was screened for ticks, and the corresponding outdoor sites that the dogs usually visited were searched for host-seeking ticks by the flagging method. a total of 1155 ticks was removed from the dogs. the majority were ixodes ricinus (88.5%), followed by d. reticulatus (9.1%) and i. hex ...200616524777
occurrence and geographical distribution of canine distemper virus infection in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) of saxony-anhalt, germany.canine distemper virus (cdv) infects dogs and a variety of carnivore species. in saxony-anhalt, a federal state of germany, 761 foxes were examined for cdv infection, using real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr), in the years 2010 and 2011. a prevalence of 30.5% was found for the whole time period without significant changes in prevalence between 2010 and 2011. the relative risk (rr) of a fox to test positive for cdv varied markedly within the area of the state and was significantly increased ...201322999912
[flea detection (siphonaptera) in dogs at the intake area of the magdeburg polyclinic for small house and zoo animals].two random investigations carried out in 1981/1982 established 203 fleas of 5 species in a sex incidence of 1:2.4 (60 males/143 females) on 48 dogs: ctenocephalides felis occurred most frequently in an extent of infestation of 13 (1981) and 9 (1982) in 24 dogs with a population density of 1.1 to 1.9 specimens/animals, followed by c. canis with 8 (1981) and 11 (1982) from 24 dogs in a greater density of 2.3 to 5 per host. in this c. felis occurs more frequently in "town dogs": 15 identifications ...19853879113
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