a note on the early history of renal transplantation: emerich (imre) ullmann. | in january 1902 at the vienna medical society meeting, the surgeon emerich ullmann reported the first case of renal autotransplantation performed in the neck of a dog. in the same year, he presented the first xenotransplantation of the kidney (a goat with a dog's kidney). these publications immediately had a great impact on the medical word. after his failed attempt to transplant a pig's kidney into a young uraemic woman he stopped his research in this field in order to devote himself to other l ... | 1999 | 10213841 |
imported non-endemic, arthropod-borne and parasitic infectious diseases in austrian dogs. | an increasing number of imported non-endemic arthropod-borne diseases and other rare parasitic diseases in dogs in austria were the basics for this report. number and species of imported pathogens as well as the origin of the carrying dogs were of special interest. | 2008 | 19066775 |
pesticide poisoning in domestic animals and livestock in austria: a 6 years retrospective study. | a 6 years retrospective study of pesticide poisonings in domestic animals and livestock from 1999 to 2004 submitted to the institute for medical chemistry, university of veterinary medicine, vienna in austria was compiled and analysed. totally 380 pesticide analysis requests were referred by veterinary practitioners, from the institute for pathology of the above university, by regional and central governments as well as local police departments and district administrations, animal protectionist ... | 2007 | 16997525 |
prevalence of antibodies against neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in dogs and foxes in austria. | sera from 1770 dogs and 94 red foxes from austria were examined for antibodies against neospora caninum using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat). 3.6% of the dogs were seropositive with titres ranging from 1:50 to 1:6400. dogs from rural areas were significantly more often seropositive for n. caninum than those from the urban area of vienna (5.3% versus 2.1%). there were no significant differences in sex or breed, but a slight increase in seropositivity with age was apparent, in ... | 2005 | 15740855 |
the beginning of organ transplantation: emerich ullmann (1861-1937). | between 1880 and 1930 there was a rapid surge in experiments with tissue transplantation, initially mainly of endocrine tissues (thyroid, parathyroid, testicles, ovary, adrenals etc.) with the aim of replacing endocrine function. emerich ullmann (1861-1937), who was born in pecs, hungary and worked his whole life as a surgeon in vienna was the first to perform transplantations of solid organs in the modern sense of medicine. during 1899 and 1900 he conducted several experiments with intestinal t ... | 2002 | 12060977 |
[toxocara and bronchial hyperreactivity--results of a seroprevalence study]. | for more than 30 years the ascarid toxocara canis, a parasite of the dog, has been considered a possible cause of allergic-pulmonal irritations (i.e. asthma bronchial) in man. according to a british study thousands of people are presumably suffering from asthma bronchial as a consequence of toxocara infestations. the aim of our recent study was the assessment of the toxocara seroprevalence in patients of varying bronchial reactivity and status of atopy suffering from respiratory disturbances. 19 ... | 2000 | 11144007 |
[the attempts at drug therapy of cancer by anton störck (1731-1803). history of experimental pharmacology in the old vienna medical school]. | the essay deals with the development of medical research in vienna - especially the development of therapeutic drugs. this progress is related to the philosophical, historical, and political background of the enlightened absolutism and the reformatory efforts of van swieten during the regency of maria theresia in austria. anton störck's research on hemlock (conium maculatum) is used as an example. the method of störck's research-work is described. furthermore it is demonstrated to what extent st ... | 1982 | 7043908 |
[experimental cardiology at the beginning of the 20th century in vienna]. | | 1974 | 4620827 |
[hepatitis contagiosa canis (h.c.c.)--2 cases in austria]. | two cases of h.c.c. which occurred in winter 1987 in vienna are described. case one was a female chow-chow, 8 weeks of age, that died from the peracute form of the disease. the diagnosis was confirmed by histology and direct immunofluorescence. case two, a 9-month old female kuvacz, showed clinical signs of the subacute form of h.c.c. she was hospitalized and therapy was successful. the disease was diagnosed by the typical clinical signs and the raise of antibodies in paired serum samples. etiol ... | 1989 | 2548302 |
study of rickets in vienna 1919-1922. | | 1976 | 765649 |