
first detection of tick-borne pathogens of dogs from malta.the knowledge about the vector-borne infections in domestic dogs has been increasing worldwide. however no studies have been done on hard tick infestation and tick-borne pathogens (tbps) of dogs present in malta. therefore, a total of 99 dogs was selected and inspected between march and july 2013 in 18 urban and 17 rural areas on the islands of malta and gozo. all ticks were removed from the dogs and identified. blood samples were taken and tested for protozoa (babesia spp. and hepatozoon spp.) ...201728143697
diagnosis of leishmaniasis in maltese dogs with the aid of the polymerase chain reaction.visceral leishmaniasis due to infection with leishmania infantum (a member of the l. donovani complex) has been known in malta since the beginning of the century. in 1946, when human diseases became compulsorily notifiable on the islands, the leishmaniasis figures were 1264 visceral cases, 36 cutaneous cases and 5 unspecified. five cases of cutaneous infection were reported in 1997 and 23 cases of cutaneous and 3 of visceral infection in january-october 1998. there may be considerable under-repo ...200212055838
visceral leishmaniasis in malta--an 18 year paediatric, population based study.visceral leishmaniasis (vl) is a chronic parasitic infection that infects approximately 400,000 individuals annually, with a predilection towards early childhood.200010799428
leishmaniasis in malta and the mediterranean basin.leishmaniasis is a public-health problem in most countries bordering the mediterranean littoral. in malta, where the disease has been recognized for many years, phlebotomus perniciosus is the established vector and dogs act as reservoir hosts. visceral leishmaniasis (vl) was the only form of the disease recorded in malta until the early 1980s, when cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) was recognized. although the incidence of cl has recently increased, the overall numbers of cases of leishmaniasis have ...19979625930
isoenzyme characterization of leishmania from man, dog and sandflies in the maltese a part of a general survey on leishmaniases and sandflies of the maltese islands, 22 leishmania stocks were isolated from human visceral (1) and cutaneous (1) cases, dogs (16) and sandflies (4). they were characterized by the analysis of 15 enzymes. the commonest mediterranean l. infantum zymodeme, mon 1, was found to cause human and canine visceral leishmaniasis; l. infantum mon 78, which has so far been isolated only in malta, was the agent of human cutaneous leishmaniasis. both zymodemes w ...19911887474
epidemiology of canine leishmaniasis: prevalence, incidence and basic reproduction number calculated from a cross-sectional serological survey on the island of gozo, malta.assessment of the resilience of canine leishmaniasis to control or, more ambitiously, the effort needed to eradicate infection, requires an estimate of the basic case reproduction number (r0). this paper applies the theoretical results of hasibeder, dye & carpenter (1992) to data from a cross-sectional survey on the maltese island of gozo in which dogs of known age, sex and occupation (pet, guard etc) were subjected to three different serological tests for the presence of specific antibody (ifat ...19921437274
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