
neuronal dendritic neoformations and neuroglial alterations in the senile dog (translation of gonzalo r. lafora). originally published in trabajos del laboratorio de investigaciones biológicas de la universidad de madrid, tomo xii, pp. 39--53, 1914. 1978367352
[the first operations performed with chloroform in spain. more facts and new contributions].although the issue of clinical introduction of chloroform in spain was rather controversial, we can assure now with no doubt that first news of its discovery reached our country by the end of november and beginning of december of 1847. the cities first receiving those first news were cádiz, madrid, barcelona, and santiago de compostela; in the latter two cities, during the first days of december, the new anesthetic agent was already available and the first experiments on dogs were conducted in 1 ...19911961964
canine ehrlichiosis in the comunidad de madrid in central spain. 19989668507
emerging trends in the seroprevalence of canine leishmaniasis in the madrid region (central spain).this report describes a cross-sectional serological survey of the epidemiology of canine leishmaniasis (canl) performed in 2006 and 2007 in the madrid region (central spain) where the disease is endemic. the work presented here is one of the several studies conducted in different spanish regions under the integrated project of the european commission entitled emerging diseases in a changing european environment (eden). the aim of this project is to identify and catalogue european ecosystems and ...201020031330
serologic and molecular evaluation of leishmania infantum in cats from central spain.infection by different leishmania spp. in cats has been reported in many countries. in spain, since the first leishmania infection described in 1933, sporadic clinical cases in cats have been reported. various serologic studies performed in other areas of spain have shown seroprevalences ranging between 1.7 and 60%. the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of leishmaniasis in cats from central spain (madrid), and to assess the existence of associations between leishmania infa ...200819120250
results from an indirect fluorescent antibody test using three different strains of ehrlichia indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) test is usually performed to detect antibodies in dogs naturally infected by ehrlichia canis. in this work, results obtained using three different e. canis strains as antigen (a commercial antigen, the e. canis oklahoma strain and the e. canis madrid strain) were compared. one hundred and forty-nine serum samples obtained from dogs living in the centre of spain were analysed. when qualitative results were evaluated, identical results were detected in 87.2% ...200918760641
a leishmaniosis surveillance system among stray dogs in the region of madrid: ten years of serodiagnosis (1996-2006).two seroepidemiological surveys on canine leishmaniosis in stray dogs were performed annually in the madrid region for 10 years (november 1996-april 2006). the presence of anti-leishmania antibodies was detected by immunofluorescence antibodies test (cut off 1:100). the overall seroprevalence found in the 1,803 dogs studied was 7.8% (141 positive dogs). seropositivity was not associated with either breed or sex. statistical analysis revealed greater seroprevalence in groups of older dogs, indica ...200717323100
survey of intestinal parasites in stray dogs in the madrid area and comparison of the efficacy of three anthelmintics in naturally infected dogs.using routine coprological methods, 1161 faecal samples from animal shelters located in madrid (spain) were analysed, showing a 28% prevalence for different intestinal parasites: giardia duodenalis (7%), cystoisopora spp. (3.8%), toxocara canis (7.8%), toxascaris leonina (6.3%), ancylostomidae (4%), trichuris vulpis (3.3%), taenidae (2.9%) and dipylidium caninum (0.9%). the therapeutic efficacies of mebendazole at a dose of 22 mg/kg once daily for 3 days, fenbendazole at a dose of 50 mg/kg once ...200716915389
influenza-related hospitalizations in children younger than three years of determine the rates of influenza-related hospitalization and to know the clinical manifestations and underlying diseases in children younger than 3 years who are hospitalized with influenza.200616804428
pavlov in spain.reflexology has been present throughout spanish science since the last third of the nineteenth century and its importance can be seen in the works of authors such as martín salazar, ramón y cajal, gómez ocaña, simarro and turró. the most important research in reflexology in spain takes place a) at the schools of neurophysiology and psychology in barcelona and madrid, b) with a group of authors specializing in pathological medicine and c) in the military's health department, pavlov's work was rec ...200314628695
practical approach for typing strains of leishmania infantum by microsatellite analysis.currently the universally accepted standard procedure for characterizing and identifying strains of leishmania is isoenzyme analysis. however, in the mediterranean area, despite their very wide geographical distribution, most leishmania infantum strains belong to zymodeme mon-1. in order to increase our understanding of polymorphism in strains of l. infantum, we developed pcr assays amplifying 10 microsatellites and sequenced pcr products. the discriminative power of microsatellite analysis was ...200212202583
epidemiology of canine leishmaniasis in the madrid region, spain.a cross-sectional serological survey was carried out in the madrid autonomous region (comunidad de madrid) in order to study and describe canine leishmaniasis epidemiology. the presence of leishmaniasis-specific antibodies was ascertained by immunofluorescence testing, 591 dogs were screened, revealing a prevalence of 5.25% (95% confidence interval 7.4-3.6), with no difference being encountered between rural and periurban areas. age-specific prevalence exhibits a peak at 2-3 years and another at ...19957672069
isolation of an agent of the spotted fever group rickettsia from tick eggs in madrid, spain.ticks recovered from dogs in rural villages around madrid (spain) were processed to isolate rickettsiae. one sample containing mixtures of ticks and four containing eggs, in which rickettsiae had been detected by indirect immunofluorescence with a human serum highly reactive to rickettsia conorii, were decontaminated, homogenized and inoculated onto vero cells. two egg samples yielded a cytopathic agent that reacted positively by immunofluorescence. one sample (14h) was successfully subcultured ...19921601085
identification and biochemical characterization of leishmania strains isolated in peru, mexico, and spain.eight leishmania promastigotes were isolated from different geographical areas: three (lp1, lp2, and lp3) from the provincial department la libertad and the fourth (lp4) from the department of cajamarca (northern peru); another three (lm1, lm2, and lm3) in the province of campeche (mexico); and the last (ls1) from a clinical case of a dog in madrid (spain). the isolates were characterized by carbohydrate cell-surface residues using agglutinations with four purified lectins, by isoenzyme analysis ...200616289175
allergy to cockroaches in patients with asthma and rhinitis in an urban area (madrid).previous studies have established that cockroach allergens are important sensitizing agents in the induction of rhinitis and asthma principally in urban areas. this study was undertaken to assess skin test reactivity and specific ige antibody reactivity to extracts of periplaneta americana (p.a.), blattella germanica (b.g.), b. orientalis (b.o.), and a fecal extract of b. germanica (feb.g.) in a group of patients with rhinitis and asthma living in an urban area in europe. we examined clinical ch ...19968874663
efficacies of prevention and control measures applied during an outbreak in southwest madrid, spain.leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease of worldwide distribution, currently present in 98 countries. since late 2010, an unusual increase of human visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis cases has been observed in the south-western madrid region, totaling more than 600 cases until 2015. some hosts, such as human, domestic dog and cat, rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus), and hare (lepus granatensis), were found infected by the parasite of this disease in the area. hares were described as the most impor ...201729028841
questionnaire-based survey on the clinical management of canine leishmaniosis in the madrid region (central spain).this paper describes a questionnaire designed to gain information on how veterinarians clinically manage canine leishmaniosis (canl) in the madrid region (central spain). the present survey is one of the several similar questionnaire-based surveys conducted within the framework of the project eden (emerging diseases in a changing european environment). the questionnaire sought to obtain data regarding the main clinical manifestations observed, the diagnostic methods used and the preventive measu ...201121821298
detection of zoonotic intestinal parasites in public parks of spain. potential epidemiological role of microsporidia.several studies have demonstrated that the soil of public parks presents an important source of infection which has a significant impact on public health. children are the main group affected by accidentally ingestion of contaminated soil. this study was performed in order to identify the presence of zoonotic parasites in dog and cat faecal and soil samples from public parks of madrid, spain. six hundred twenty-five and seventy-nine soil and faecal samples (presumably from dogs and cats) respect ...201121824364
mapping the current distribution and predicted spread of the leishmaniosis sand fly vector in the madrid region (spain) based on environmental variables and expected climate change.leishmaniosis caused by leishmania infantum is a widespread zoonotic disease that is endemic in the mediterranean basin. based on prior point abundance data for the two sand fly vectors of leishmaniosis in the madrid region (phlebotomus perniciosus and phlebotomus ariasi), models were constructed to predict the spatial distribution patterns of these vectors. the models were obtained by negative binomial regression of several environmental variables and then used to map vector distributions. to v ...201121417927
occurrence and genetic characterization of giardia duodenalis from captive nonhuman primates by multi-locus sequence analysis.giardia is the most common enteric protozoan that can be pathogenic to both humans and animals. transmission can be direct through the faecal-oral route, or through ingestion of contaminated water or food. genetic characterization of giardia duodenalis isolates has demonstrated the existence of seven groups (assemblages a to g) which differ in their host distribution. assemblages a and b are present in humans and other primates, dogs, cats, rodents, and other species of wild mammals, but the rol ...201121327988
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