
a descriptive study of urban rabies during the civil war in sierra leone: 1995-2001.a study was conducted to assess the effects of the breakdown in internal infrastructure on the incidence of canine-transmitted human rabies in urban areas of sierra leone during the course of the civil war between 1995 and 2001. data from provincial hospitals in the western area and southern province indicated that there was a significant increase in the incidence of canine-transmitted urban human rabies chi2 = 39.63, p < 0.0001, particularly among children chi2 = 23.73, p < 0.0001, over the cou ...200415241966
gastrointestinal helminth parasites of dogs in the western area--freetown (sierra leone).a survey of faecal samples taken from 1277 dogs in the western area (freetown, sierra leone) revealed an infestation by ancylostoma caninum (46,1%), toxocara canis (13,5%), toxascaris leonina (5,9%), dipylidium caninum (3,8%), and spirocerca lupi (3,5%). sampling was made per rectum. the age of the dogs examined, both male and female, ranged from one month to fifteen years. the clinical picture of the dogs affected is described and methods of treatment are suggested.19827171367
a five-year analysis of diseases of dogs and cats in the veterinary clinic of freetown, sierra leone.a survey is presented of the diagnoses found in 2938 dogs and 32 cats, treated between january 1976 and january 1980 at the veterinary clinic of freetown. more than one third of the dogs (1175) and 13 cats were infected by ancylostoma spp., whereas toxocara canis and toxascaris leonina were encountered in 236 and 232 dogs, respectively. noteworthy is also the relatively high figure of 12 dogs affected by negri bodies (rabies). it is pointed out that dogs and cats move about fairly freely in the ...19846508729
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