
the epidemiology of echinococcus infection in kaduna state, nigeria.infection of dogs with echinococcus gramulosus is recorded for the first time in kaduna state. observations on 330 dogs from different suburbs revealed an incidence of 1.2 per cent. of slaughtered stock examined, hydatid cyst infections were found in sheep (7.1 per cent), goats (18.4 per cent), cattle (1.5 per cent), camels (70.9 per cent) and pigs (5 per cent).1979552694
helminth parasites of stray dogs in kaduna state and their public health significance. 1979575593
sero-prevalence of agglutinins to listeria monocytogenes in nigerian domestic animals.a survey using tube agglutination test was conducted to determine the antibody prevalence to listeria monocytogenes serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, 1/2c, 3a and 4b in 1,190 serum samples of 8 animals species from various sources in kano and kaduna states of nigeria. following absorption with staphylococcus aureus antigen to remove cross-reacting agglutinins, 52 (68.4 p. 100) of the horse samples were positive. twenty-six (36.1 p. 100) pig, 52 (20.8 p. 100) cattle, 50 (20.0 p. 100) goat, 20 (20.0 p. 100) d ...19892518470
epidemiology of rabies in northern on the rabies situation in kaduna state, in northern nigeria, were obtained by questionnaire and interview with all divisional veterinary officers, physicians, hospital superintendents, village and hamlet heads or chiefs in various local government areas. all persons reporting animal bites to the faculty of veterinary medicine, ahmadu bello university, zaria, were also interviewed. direct immunofluorescence staining, using both the regular conjugated anti-rabies globulin and a conjugated mo ...19873617189
furuncular swelling caused by larva of cordylobia anthropophaga in kaduna, nigeria. 19817330930
public health implications of soil contaminated with helminth eggs in the metropolis of kaduna, nigeria.environmental and socio-cultural variables influencing the distribution of helminth eggs in 608 soil samples were studied in 14 playgrounds that differ in socio-economic status in kaduna metropolis, nigeria, using a modified sieving method and a sucrose flotation medium of specific gravity 1.27. helminth eggs were found in 62% of the soil samples and the distribution was as follows: toxocara spp. 50.4%, taenia spp./echinococcus spp. 36.9%, dipylidium caninum 26.3%, ancylostoma spp. 9.0%, ascaris ...200818201389
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