
sero-prevalence of agglutinins to listeria monocytogenes in nigerian domestic animals.a survey using tube agglutination test was conducted to determine the antibody prevalence to listeria monocytogenes serotypes 1/2a, 1/2b, 1/2c, 3a and 4b in 1,190 serum samples of 8 animals species from various sources in kano and kaduna states of nigeria. following absorption with staphylococcus aureus antigen to remove cross-reacting agglutinins, 52 (68.4 p. 100) of the horse samples were positive. twenty-six (36.1 p. 100) pig, 52 (20.8 p. 100) cattle, 50 (20.0 p. 100) goat, 20 (20.0 p. 100) d ...19892518470
the epidemiology of echinococcus infection in kano state, nigeria. 19807469566
brucellosis in dogs in kano, nigeria. 1978570748
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