
canine spirocercosis in accra, ghana.the prevalence of canine spirocercosis in the accra region of ghana was found to be 18 per cent, lesions being found in the oesophagus and in several other sites. in two of the 96 cases, the dogs had died of aortic rupture, probably caused by this parasite.1977906092
editorial: dog menace in accra. 19734807998
dog menace in accra: some reflections and exhortations regarding corrective measures in the kaneshie suburban region. 19734805654
an investigation of helminth parasites in well-cared for dogs in accra.a survey of a relative prevalence of helminth parasites in pet dogs has been conducted in the accra metropolitan area. carcass examination revealed a high incidence of ancylostoma caninum (58%), toxocara canis (40%), dipylidium caninum (24%), spirocerca lupi (18%) and a low 2% of taenia pisiformis. stool examination revealed hookworm ova in approximately 39% stools, ascarid ova in 4%, tapeworm in 1.3% and spirocerca in 0.24; a low incidence of strongloides (0.03) and trichurid ova (0.1%) were al ...19751241960
endemic rabies in ghana. epidemiology and control measures.rabies is well established in accra and there has been no decline in canine or human cases during the past 5 years. in the first 6 months of 1975, canine cases almost doubled over the period average. so far dogs are the only confirmed carnivorous vector in ghana. a clear seasonal peak exists, so that intervention efforts can be times to achieve a maximum impact. persons at greatest risk of contracting rabies are males and school-aged children, who need improved educational and post-dog bite serv ...1976961996
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