[canine ehrlichiosis in senegal: human and canine seroepidemiological survey in dakar]. | since 1986, several cases of human ehrlichiosis due to ehrlichia canis have been reported in the u.s.a. suspecting a pathology transmissible from dog to man the authors conducted an epidemiologic survey in an ehrlichiosis zone in senegal on a population of 42 men and 66 dogs. in 1987, this rickettsiosis accounted for the deaths of a good half of the military dogs stationed in dakar. yet two years after implementing a prophylactic policy the seroprevalence rate in the kennel dropped from 53% to 1 ... | 1991 | 2072850 |
[socio-ethnology and role of the dog in the pikine district (suburban zone of dakar - senegal)]. | during a mass campaign in 1987, the authors vaccinated about 500 dogs in the pikine district. the dogs were kept for security reasons. religion was not a limiting factor to dog ownership, but ethnic influences meant that those from casamance (manjaks, diolas,. . . )--although a minority meant that among the population--bred more dogs than the wolof majority. most of the dog population is of local and young (average age 29 months). males are preferred over females. the dogs belong to youths or ad ... | 1990 | 2131203 |
[serologic response in dogs after a mass primary antirabies vaccination (inactivated vaccine) at pikine dakar (senegal)]. | mass antirabic vaccination campaign, allowed in 1987, the immunization of 514 pet dogs against rabies at pikine, a suburban area of dakar. dogs received one subcutaneous dose of inactivated tissue culture rabies vaccine (rabisin, rhône mérieux france). mean antibodies titles in elisa on days 30, 180 and 360 after vaccination, are respectively 4.78; 1.55 and 0.25 iu/ml. in the same time the proportions of protected animals are 74%, 81% and 7%. this results is compared with those obtained in other ... | 1993 | 7758368 |
[the point on human rabies in senegal from 1986 to 2005]. | between 1986 and 2005, 54 patients were hospitalized for rabies in the infectious diseases clinic, with an average of 3 cases a year. the patients came from almost all regions of senegal, dakar (11 cases), thiès (9 cases), and fatick (9 cases). they were native of rural and suburban zones. the median age was 19 years (range 5-72). children and teenagers between 5 and 15 years of age were the most concerned (53.7%). stray dogs were the main vector (75% of cases) but a case of bite by a puppy and ... | 2007 | 17583460 |
[human rabies in senegal: epidemiological and clinical aspects]. | the human rabies is a dangerous disease with fatal evolution. we report in this study, 33 cases of human rabies admitted in the infectious diseases clinic chu fann dakar, on january 1980 through december 1990. the development of the disease in our country depends on the existence of stray dogs and deficient informations of the population about this endemic. it is therefore necessary to insist on the health care education of populations, the campaign against dogs rabies, the formation of medical ... | 1991 | 1842768 |