the occurrence of dirofilaria immitis in dogs in south australia. | heart, lung and samples of blood from 230 dogs were examined for infections of filarial parasites. dirofilaria immitis worms and microfilariae were detected in one dog. blood samples from a further 1428 dogs were examined for microfilariae and 22 were found to be infected. eighteen dogs were infected with d immitis microfilariae and four with dipetolonema reconditum microfilariae. the histories were available for 18 of the dogs infected with heartworm and only seven dogs had not travelled outsid ... | 1992 | 1632726 |
prevalence of antibodies to spotted fever group rickettsiae in dogs from southeastern australia. | recent epidemiologic data suggests that rickettsia australis, the cause of queensland tick typhus, is present in southeastern australia. in order to further confirm this observation, a canine serosurvey was undertaken to determine if naturally occurring antibodies were present in pet and farm dogs from this newly-recognized endemic area. thirty-five of 312 surveyed dogs (11.2%) had indirect immunofluorescent antibody titers of 1:64 or greater against r. australis antigen. positive control sera w ... | 1991 | 1877719 |
dna relatedness and biochemical features of campylobacter spp. isolated in central and south australia. | investigations of the etiology of diarrhea in patients in south australia and the northern territory showed that campylobacter spp. other than campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were common in children. campylobacters which were hippurate positive, nitrate negative, and susceptible to cephalothin and polymyxins were shown to be closely related to c. jejuni by dna studies. thermotolerant catalase-negative campylobacters were also isolated. these were h2s negative and biochemically resembled the cat ... | 1985 | 2991331 |
the prevalence of giardia in dogs and cats in perth, western australia. | a survey of dogs and cats in the perth metropolitan area revealed a high prevalence of giardia. overall, 21% of 333 dogs and 14% of 226 cats were infected. more dogs and cats from refuges and breeding establishments were infected than household pets, although among the latter a significant number of dogs (9%) and cats (8%) was infected. giardia did not show any breed or sex predisposition but prevalence was higher in young animals. the species of giardia present in dogs and cats was identified a ... | 1986 | 3741273 |
a comparison of blood lead levels in dogs from a lead-mining, lead-smelting, urban and rural island environment. | a survey of blood lead concentrations was undertaken with 368 dogs from a lead-mining (broken hill), lead-smelting (port pirie), urban (adelaide) and rural island (kangaroo island) environment. least squares mean blood lead concentrations differed significantly (p less than 0.001) between locations and were 1.05, 0.80, 0.38 and 0.32 mumol/l respectively; there were also significant differences between young (0.75) and older (0.52) dogs (p less than 0.01) and between male (0.71) and female (0.57) ... | 1986 | 3800802 |
helminths of dogs and cats determined by faecal examinations in adelaide, south australia. | | 1985 | 4062726 |
clinical features therapy and epidemiology of tiger snake bite in dogs and cats. | snake bite was diagnosed in 125 dogs and 115 cats over 10 years. young sporting dogs and young cats were mainly affected. more dogs (48%) were seen in contact with tiger snakes than cats (7%). one hundred and four (84%) dogs and 89 (76%) cats were bitten in the warmer months of the year (october to march). as the incidence rose in september/october, dogs were bitten on days when the temperature was near 20 degrees c or over. the commonest presenting signs were dilated pupils and absences of pupi ... | 1984 | 6497804 |
human enteric infection with ancylostoma caninum: hookworms reappraised in the light of a "new" zoonosis. | recent studies in northeastern australia indicate that enteric infection with ancylostoma caninum is a leading cause of human eosinophilic enteritis. much more frequent accompaniments of this infection are obscure abdominal pain with or without blood eosinophilia, while a large part of the population is probably infected asymptomatically. these conclusions are based on extensive serological investigations in patients and control subjects, as well as 15 cases in which single, adult hookworms were ... | 1996 | 8971276 |
the public health impact of dog attacks in a major australian city. | to examine the impact of dog attacks by determining the incidence and risk factors for dog attacks. | 1997 | 9269266 |
detection of blastocystis sp. in domestic dogs and cats. | blastocystis sp. was detected in faecal samples from domestic dogs and cats in brisbane, australia. the prevalence rates were high, with 70.8% of the dogs and 67.3% of the cats infected with this organism. blastocystis sp. from faecal material from two dogs was successfully cultured on inspissated egg slant medium for several months, but could not be maintained for longer periods. blastocystis sp. from feline faecal samples failed to grow in culture. the parasites found in dogs and cats were gen ... | 1998 | 9653986 |
campylobacter species in cats and dogs in south australia. | campylobacter enteritis was the most frequently notified infectious disease in australia in 1996 and campylobacter species have been associated with extra-intestinal infections such as purulent arthritis and guillian-barré syndrome. dogs and cats are known to carry campylobacteria and contact with household pets have been implicated as possible sources of human infection. | 1999 | 10590795 |
sa newspaper fails to allow truth to be heard. | | 2001 | 11256288 |
does dog or cat ownership lead to increased gastroenteritis in young children in south australia? | the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dog and cat ownership and gastroenteritis in young children. a diary study of 965 children aged 4-6 years living in rural or semi-rural south australia was undertaken. data were collected on pet ownership, drinking water and other risk factors for gastroenteritis. overall 89% of households had pets and dog ownership was more common than cat ownership. the multivariable models for gastroenteritis and pet ownership indicated that li ... | 2006 | 16569272 |
hosts of the exotic ornate kangaroo tick, amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum koch, on southern yorke peninsula, south australia. | amblyomma triguttatum triguttatum is assumed to be endemic to south-western western australia (including barrow island), queensland (excluding cape york peninsula), and new south wales, south to dubbo and barham. the species has been recorded on a range of mammalian hosts including macropods and domestic animals. in queensland, a. triguttatum triguttatum is implicated in the epidemiology of q fever. in 2000, the species was detected on southern yorke peninsula in south australia. we aimed to ide ... | 2007 | 17611781 |
cross-sectional study of canine leptospirosis in animal shelter populations in mainland australia. | to measure the prevalence of canine leptospirosis in queensland and to detect infection, if present, in new south wales, victoria, south australia, western australia and the northern territory by measuring the serological titres of dogs held in animal shelters. | 2008 | 18673473 |
dermatoses caused by infestations of immature ixodes spp. on dogs and cats in sydney, australia. | infestations of larval and nymphal ixodes spp. were identified in 16 dogs and 16 cats from several small animal clinics in sydney. cases occurred in late summer or autumn, peaking in february, and were seasonally recurrent in some individuals. clinical signs of infestation included a papular dermatitis and irritation or pruritus that ranged from severe to mild or absent. the distribution of tick attachment tended to be cranial and ventral, with the face, legs, axillae and ventrum the most common ... | 2009 | 19382925 |
'the black dog just came and sat on my face and built a kennel': gay men making sense of depression. | this article reports on in-depth interviews with gay men about their experiences and understanding of depression. it is a key outcome of the collaboration between social researchers, general practitioners and community partners to investigate the management of depression in gay men in primary care settings. as part of the qualitative arm of the project in-depth interviews were conducted with 40 gay men in sydney and adelaide (australia). the approach to discourse analysis is informed by halliday ... | 2010 | 21169202 |
determination of faecal pollutants in torrens and patawalonga catchment waters in south australia using faecal sterols. | this research investigated faecal pollution by sterol profiling in two adelaide metropolitan catchments in winter 2000 and summer 2001. water was sampled from five sites on the river torrens and two sites on patawalonga river catchment. the steroids detected were coprostanol, epicoprostanol, cholesterol, cholestanol, stigmasterol, betasitosterol, and stigmastanol. the concentrations range from 5 ng/l (of coprostanol) to 34 microg/l (of stigmasterol), with cholesterol detected more frequently at ... | 2003 | 12793691 |
novel lineages of giardia intestinalis identified by genetic analysis of organisms isolated from dogs in australia. | infection of suckling mice with giardia trophozoites recovered from the intestines of 11 dogs autopsied in central and southern australia in each case produced an established isolate. in contrast, only 1 isolate was obtained by inoculation of faecal cysts. the organisms grew poorly in comparison with isolates from humans or non-canine animal hosts. light microscopy revealed that the trophozoites had median bodies with the 'claw hammer' appearance typical of g. intestinalis (syn. g. duodenalis, g ... | 1998 | 9481769 |
hydatid disease in children in south australia. | | 1971 | 5104946 |
diarrhoeal disease: knowledge, attitudes and practices in an aboriginal community. | this study was carried out in an australian aboriginal community in south australia on the knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to diarrhoeal disease. suggestions were sought on appropriate interventions. dietary causes (including alcohol), factors relating to drinking water, poor environmental hygiene, infective agents and teething were considered by community member to be important in the causation of diarrhoea. poor personal and domestic hygiene, and the lack of adequate bathing, toile ... | 1988 | 3203725 |
an epidemiological survey of dog bites presenting to the emergency department of a children's hospital. | german shepherds are the most popular registered breed of dog in south australia, but are also the most hazardous to children, biting more often and more severely. a study of the victims of dog bites presenting to the emergency department of the adelaide children's hospital over an 18 month period revealed that, although many breeds were involved, only german shepherds were implicated more frequently than their prevalence in the community. attacks occurred most often in a domestic setting involv ... | 1991 | 1888565 |
snake bite in dogs. | in 7 years snake bite was diagnosed in 80 dogs. sporting breeds figured prominently. the average was 3.6 years. the commonest presenting signs were salivation, vomiting, dilated pupils, absence of the pupillary light reflex, depression and generalised muscle weakness, hindlimb ataxia and respiratory distress. sixty-seven cases (84%) occurred in 6 warmer months on the year. fifty-one dogs (64%) were seen either to be bitten or in contact with a snake. tiger and brown snakes were implicated on 32 ... | 1979 | 444166 |
What helps children to be more active and less sedentary? Perceptions of mothers living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. | Background Increasing children's participation in physical activity and decreasing time spent in sedentary behaviours is of great importance to public health. Despite living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, some children manage to engage in health-promoting physical activity and avoid high levels of screen-based activities (i.e. watching TV, computer use and playing electronic games). Understanding how these children manage to do well and whether there are unique features of their home or neigh ... | 2011 | 22040271 |