
epidemiological survey of babesia gibsoni infection in dogs in eastern determine the distribution of babesia gibsoni infection in dogs in the eastern part of japan, an epidemiological survey of dogs suspected of having b. gibsoni infection was attempted using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). thirty-five of 115 such dogs (30.4%) were positive by pcr and/or elisa. the 35 positive dogs consisted of 28 tosa dogs, 4 american pit bull terriers, and 3 mongrel dogs in aomori, fukushima, ibaraki, gunma, chiba, tokyo, kana ...200515942130
long-term survey on intestinal nematode and cestode infections in stray puppies ibaraki prefecture.we conducted the survey on intestinal nematode, mainly toxocara canis, and cestode infections in stray puppies aged less than 5 months in ibaraki prefecture for 8 years from 1988 to 1995. the rate of t. canis infection stayed almost unchanged for the 8 years and ranged from 72.2 to 85.4%. of the total 916 dogs, 732 (79.9%) harboured with t. canis. the average rates of other helminthic infections showed 24.6 (diphylidium caninum), 2.5 (trichuris vulpis), 1.2 (ancylostoma caninum) and 0.7% (spirom ...19979300373
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