
[studies on the giardiasis as the zoonosis. iii. prevalence of giardia among the dogs and the owners in japan].to obtain the basic data on the route of giardia infection as zoonosis, of many regions in japan, the feces from 2218 dogs were examined for detection of giardia cysts. giardia cysts were detected in 239 of the 2218 dogs (10.9%), which was the same as previous reports from america. none were found from the owners of 51 dogs in which giardia cysts were detected. the detection rates of each facilities were, 68 of 366 (18.6%) from the breeder's kennels, 169 of 1811 (9.3%) in individual houses, 2 of ...19921402110
a nationwide survey of ixodid tick species recovered from domestic dogs and cats in japan in 2011.a nationwide survey of ixodid ticks was performed in 2011, during which a total of 4237 and 298 ticks were recovered from 1162 dogs and 136 cats, respectively. haemaphysalis longicornis was the most frequently found tick species on canine hosts (739 dogs), followed by h. flava (166), ixodes ovatus (139), and rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (70). h. hystricis, h. japonica, h. megaspinosa, h. formosensis, h. campanulata, h. ias, i. nipponensis, i. persulcatus, and amblyomma testudinarium were ...201425155339
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