
serosurvey of ehrlichia canis and hepatozoon canis infection in dogs in yamaguchi prefecture, japan.antibodies to ehrlichia canis and hepatozoon canis in dogs at the animal hospital in yamaguchi university were surveyed and potential risk factors for both pathogens were evaluated. among 430 dogs examined, 20 (4.7%) and 18 (4.2%) dogs showed positive findings for e. canis and h. canis, respectively. neither, sex nor age was associated with the seropositivity of either pathogen, but the positive rate in dogs kept outside was slightly higher than that in dogs kept inside for both pathogens. a hig ...199910563295
detection of ehrlichial infection by pcr in dogs from yamaguchi and okinawa prefectures, japan.species-specific nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used to detect the presence of possible canine ehrlichial agents (ehrlichia canis, e. chaffeensis, e. ewingii, e. equi and e. platys) and monocytic ehrlichial agents found in japan (e. muris and a recently discovered ehrlichia species detected from ixodes ovatus) in blood samples from dogs in yamaguchi and okinawa prefecture, japan. partial sequence of e. platys was detected from 1 of 67 dogs (1.5%) tested from yamaguchi prefecture and ...200111503912
seroepidemiological study of canine ehrlichial infections in yamaguchi prefecture and surrounding areas of japan.randomly selected serum samples from 150 dogs from yamaguchi and neighbouring prefectures were subjected to the indirect immunofluorescent assay to detect antibodies against ehrlichia canis, ehrlichia chaffeensis, ehrlichia muris and ehrlichia from ixodes ovatus. a total of 30 out of the 150 serum samples reacted with at least one of the antigens at a titer of 1:20 or more. considerable cross-reactivity was seen and most samples reacted with at least two different antigens. fifteen (10.0%) dogs ...200415350665
serodiagnosis of babesia gibsoni infection in dogs by an improved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with recombinant truncated p50.the surface antigen p50 of babesia gibsoni is an important candidate for the development of a diagnostic reagent for canine piroplasmosis. in order to establish an effective diagnostic method for practical use, the gene encoding truncated p50 (p50t) lacking a signal peptide and c-terminal hydrophobic regions were cloned and expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione s-transferase (gst). more than 90% portion of the gst-p50t was expressed as a soluble form, in contrast wit ...200415644601
a nationwide survey of ixodid tick species recovered from domestic dogs and cats in japan in 2011.a nationwide survey of ixodid ticks was performed in 2011, during which a total of 4237 and 298 ticks were recovered from 1162 dogs and 136 cats, respectively. haemaphysalis longicornis was the most frequently found tick species on canine hosts (739 dogs), followed by h. flava (166), ixodes ovatus (139), and rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (70). h. hystricis, h. japonica, h. megaspinosa, h. formosensis, h. campanulata, h. ias, i. nipponensis, i. persulcatus, and amblyomma testudinarium were ...201425155339
molecular survey of ehrlichia infection in ticks from animals in yamaguchi prefecture, japan.a total of 82 ticks collected from wild animals and dogs in yamaguchi prefecture, japan were examined for ehrlichia infection by using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers that amplify dna of most members of the genus ehrlichia. a dna sample from an ixodes ovatus nymph from a bear in yamaguchi prefecture, japan, was positive in the screening pcr. subsequent pcr using two sets of primers yielded a 1431 bp segment of the 16s rrna gene and the sequence was very similar to those of e. chaffeensis ...200111511421
seroepidemiological study on toxocaral infection in man by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a seroepidemiological survey for toxocaral infection was performed using samples from children and adult women in the yamaguchi area of western japan. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using excretory--secretory antigen was applied to these sera. of samples tested, 3.1% from children and 3.7% from women were positive. it was found that regression analysis of positive rates by age between 20 and 70 or more years was significant in the positive direction. the positive rates from urban, rural an ...19836822728
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