
the first reported cases of canine schistosomiasis mekongi in cambodia.we have been conducting surveys of schistosomiasis mekongi along the mekong river in cambodia since 1997. we attempted to detect canine schistosome infection during the survey in 2000 because dogs were reported to be natural reservoirs of the mekong schistosome in lao pdr. a total of 28 canine fecal samples were collected in kbal chuor village, kratie province and examined for schistosome eggs. one specimen had schistosome eggs (positive rate = 3.6%; egg density = 100/gram stool), which showed c ...200212693576
schistosomiasis in cambodia: a review.human schistosomiasis has been known in cambodia only since 1968. in 1968-1970, many cases were detected in the provincial capital of kratié. infection seemed to be confined to the ethnic vietnamese fishermen who inhabited raft houses (= floating villages) on the mekong river at kratié. overall prevalence in fishermen of all ages was between 7 and 10%. in the children of fishermen between the ages of 1 to 14, the prevalence was between 14 and 22%. transmission was apparently limited to floating ...19761030834
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