
an electrophoretic comparison of schistosoma japonicum (trematoda) from different provinces in the people's republic of china suggests the existence of cryptic species.schistosoma japonicum from the people's republic of china is considered to represent a single species comprising either 1 or 4 'strains'. we conducted an allozyme electrophoretic study to examine the extent of genetic variation in s. japonicum from mainland china. the allelic profiles of s. japonicum from 7 provinces were established at 16 enzyme loci. s. japonicum from sichuan had 3-5 (19-31%) fixed differences compared with those from zhejiang, anhui, jiangxi, hunan, hubei and yunnan, suggesti ...199910581616
[the epidemic situation of human rabies from 1984 to 2002 and its preventive measures in china].to summarize and analyze the epidemic situation of human rabies from 1984 to 2002 in china, and to explore the possible factors causing the increase of cases so as to provide evidence for preventive and control measures.200314575600
[viral surveillance on rabies in hunan province, in 2006].to understand the source and distribution of rabies virus (rv) in hunan province with viral surveillance in order to provide scientific measures for prevention and control on rabies.200819173884
[sequencing of mitochondrial dna cytochrome oxidase subunit i gene in sarcosaphagous flies from 14 provinces in china].to detect the 278 bp region of gene of the cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coi) in mitochondral dna (mtdna) of sarcosaphagous flies, identify the species of sarcosaphagous flies, and provide reference for forensic application.201020818074
[aeroallergen spectrum of patients with child allergic rhinitis in changsha area of china].to investigate aeroallergen spectrum and allergy positive rates of patients with child allergic rhinitis and analyze its related factors.201122070068
dynamics of rabies epidemics and the impact of control efforts in guangdong province, china.rabies is a major public health problem in some developing countries including china. one of the reasons is that there is a very large number of dogs, both domestic and stray, especially in guangdong province which has the third most rabies cases (after guangxi and hunan) among the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in mainland, china, and at least 18.2% of the human rabies cases are caused by stray dogs. in this paper, based on the reported data and characteristics of the rabie ...201222273729
[epidemiological survey on clonorchiasis sinensis in an endemic area of south hunan province].to make an epidemiological investigation on clonorchiasis sinensis and relevant factors in the south of hunan province.200920232625
epidemiological investigations of human rabies in china.the epidemic of rabies showed a rising trend in china in recent years. to identify the potential factors involved in the emergence, we investigated and analyzed the status and characteristics of human rabies between 1996 and 2008. moreover, the status of rabies infection and vaccination in dogs, and prophylaxis of humans after rabies exposure were analyzed.200920025742
molecular epidemiology of rabies in southern people's republic of recent years, the number of human rabies cases in the people's republic of china has increased during severe epidemics in 3 southern provinces (guizhou, guangxi, and hunan). to analyze the causes of the high incidence of human rabies in this region, during 2005-2007, we collected 2,887 brain specimens from apparently healthy domestic dogs used for meat consumption in restaurants, 4 specimens from suspected rabid dogs, and 3 from humans with rabies in the 3 provinces. partial nucleoprotein gen ...200919751579
severe infection of adult dogs with helminths in hunan province, china poses significant public health concerns.the prevalence of helminths in adult dogs was investigated in hunan province, the people's republic of china between june 2006 and december 2007. a total of 438 adult farm dogs slaughtered in local abattoirs from 9 representative administrative regions in hunan province were examined for the presence of helminths using a helminthological approach. all collected worms were counted and identified to species according to existing keys and descriptions. a total of 11 helminth species were found in t ...200919091472
[aeroallergen spectrum of 387 patients with allergic rhinitis in changsha area].to investigate aeroallergen spectrum of patients with allergic rhinitis in changsha area and analyze its related factors.200819086661
[the primary application of direct rapid immunohistochemical test to rabies diagnosis in china].evaluation of the direct rapid immumohistochemical test (drit) for laboratory surveillance of rabies.200819031692
[characterization of rabies virus phosphoprotein in high prevalence provinces of china].characterization of rabies virus phosphoprotein through analyzation of genetic variations about rabies virus phosphoproteins in high-incidence regions in china.200819031691
[survey and anslysis of infection rate of dog rabies in the regions with high incidence of human rabies].to investigate the situation of dog rabies and analyze it's relationship with human rabies.200819031690
an outbreak of pig rabies in hunan province, china.the first dog-associated outbreak of rabies in swine in china (hunan province) has been diagnosed and the related virus isolated. sequence analysis showed that the pig isolate was a genotype 1 rabies virus with a very high nucleotide identity to local dog isolates.200817559696
[analysis on the epidemiology of rabies in hunan province in the past 10 years].to explore the possible factors causing the increase of rabies cases and to provide references for the development of related prevention and control strategy in hunan.200516185456
studies on a new pathogenic lung fluke--paragonimus hueit' ungensis sp. nov.this paper records the discovery of a new pathogenic lung fluke paragonimus hueit'ungensis sp. nov. in hueit'ung county of hunan province. the salient features of the adults of this lung fluke, its first and second intermediate hosts, rediae, cercariae, metacercariae and the results of feeding experiments on laboratory animals (albino rats, cats, and dogs) are described and compared with the relevant species of lung flukes already known. biopsies of the migratory subcutaneous nodules done in 2 p ...19751224199
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