
cryptosporidium infection and diarrhea in rural and urban areas of jiangsu, people's republic of china.screening of infants and children under age 15 years for cryptosporidium oocysts in their stools was carried out in the suburb of xuzhou city and six rural areas of jiangsu province. the infection rate varied from 0.7 to 5.06%. of the total of 5,089 children examined, 89 (1.75%) were oocyst positive. the incidence was evidently higher in the group of children under age 4 years than it was in children from 4 to 15 years (p less than 0.01). routine blood examination and immunoassay performed on bl ...19921537921
[analysis on the present situation of human rabies epidemic in china].to summarize and analyze human rabies epidemic situation in the last five years in china and to explore the possible factors causing the rising of epidemics to provide reference for the prevention and control of rabies in the future.200111860834
[study on the epidemiological feature and control measure for rabies from 1990 to 2000 in jiangsu province].to analyze the epidemiological feature of rabies and explore the risk factors in jiangsu for the control of rabies.200111860836
[analysis of nuclear dna gene types of leishmania isolates from hilly and plain foci of china].to analyse the nuclear dna (ndna) polymorphism of leishmania isolates from hilly and plain foci of china.199812078288
serodiagnosis of babesia gibsoni infection in dogs by an improved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with recombinant truncated p50.the surface antigen p50 of babesia gibsoni is an important candidate for the development of a diagnostic reagent for canine piroplasmosis. in order to establish an effective diagnostic method for practical use, the gene encoding truncated p50 (p50t) lacking a signal peptide and c-terminal hydrophobic regions were cloned and expressed in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione s-transferase (gst). more than 90% portion of the gst-p50t was expressed as a soluble form, in contrast wit ...200415644601
[the primary application of direct rapid immunohistochemical test to rabies diagnosis in china].evaluation of the direct rapid immumohistochemical test (drit) for laboratory surveillance of rabies.200819031692
[viral surveillance on rabies in hunan province, in 2006].to understand the source and distribution of rabies virus (rv) in hunan province with viral surveillance in order to provide scientific measures for prevention and control on rabies.200819173884
[genetic variation analysis of canine parvovirus vp2 gene in china].to recognize the molecular biology character, phylogenetic relationship and the state quo prevalent of canine parvovirus (cpv), faecal samnples from pet dogs with acute enteritis in the cities of beijing, wuhan, and nanjing were collected and tested for cpv by pcr and other assay between 2006 and 2008. there was no cpv to fpv (mev) variation by pcr-rflp analysis in all samples. the complete orfs of vp2 genes were obtained by pcr from 15 clinical cpvs and 2 cpv vaccine strains. all amplicons were ...200920077936
babesiasis in nanjing area, china.this article discusses the tick-borne babesiases which harm dairy cattle, buffaloes and dogs. in addition, the pathogen, vector, seasonal occurrence, hosts, symptoms, pathological changes and treatment are summarized and analysed. the pathogens in this area were identified as babesia bigemina, b. bovis and b. gibsoni; the vectors as boophilus microplus, rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides, haemaphysalis longicornis. affected buffaloes were found from april to september, peak numbers occurred between ...19979512739
[epidemiological studies on human cryptosporidiosis in rural and urban areas of jiangsu].a survey of cryptosporidiosis in outpatients and inhabitants in xuzhou city and 6 rural areas of jiangsu province was carried out from 1989 to 1991. cryptosporidium oocysts (cso) were found in 97 (1.6%) of 6,221 individuals as a whole, and were detected in 39 (3.3%) of 1,172 outpatients among the examinees. 39 cases were from 31 towns and villages of 8 counties near xuzhou city. among the 136 cases, 83 were males and 53 females, of them 89 (65.4%) were infants and young children. the incidence w ...19938168245
[an epidemiological investigation of the rabies between 1999 - 2008 in yancheng city, jiangsu province.].to better understand the epidemiology of rabies during the past ten years in yancheng city, jiangsu province.201020510058
pathogenic strains of yersinia enterocolitica isolated from domestic dogs (canis familiaris) belonging to farmers are of the same subtype as pathogenic y. enterocolitica strains isolated from humans and may be a source of human infection in jiangsu province, china.we isolated 326 yersinia enterocolitica strains from 5,919 specimens from patients with diarrhea at outpatient clinics, livestock, poultry, wild animals, insect vectors, food, and the environment in the cities of nantong and xuzhou in jiangsu province, china, from 2004 to 2008. the results showed that the 12 pathogenic strains were of the o:3 serotype. six strains were isolated from domestic dogs (canis familiaris) belonging to farmers and were found to be the primary carriers of pathogenic y. e ...201020181899
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