
a report of dirofilaria immitis in sorsogon province, philippines. 19654378457
estimating sensitivity and specificity of a faecal examination method for schistosoma japonicum infection in cats, dogs, water buffaloes, pigs, and rats in western samar and sorsogon provinces, the philippines.schistosoma japonicum causes a chronic parasitic disease, which persists as a major public health concern in the philippines, the people's republic of china and indonesia. this infection is unique among helminthic zoonoses because it can infect humans and more than 40 other mammals. the objective of this study was to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the danish bilharziasis laboratory technique in cats, dogs, pigs, water buffaloes and rats in the philippines. faecal samples from each a ...200516188261
density estimates of rural dog populations and an assessment of marking methods during a rabies vaccination campaign in the philippines.we estimated the population density of dogs by distance sampling and assessed the potential utility of two marking methods for capture-mark-recapture applications following a mass canine rabies-vaccination campaign in sorsogon province, the republic of the philippines. thirty villages selected to assess vaccine coverage and for dog surveys were visited 1 to 11 days after the vaccinating team. measurements of the distance of dogs or groups of dogs from transect lines were obtained in 1088 instanc ...19989500175
evaluation of a canine rabies vaccination campaign and characterization of owned-dog populations in the philippines.a mass canine rabies vaccination campaign in sorsogon province, the republic of the philippines, was conducted in april and may 1993. from 1 to 14 days following visits by vaccination teams to 30 selected villages (barangays), survey teams revisited the barangays to assess vaccine coverage. modified cluster survey methods were used to gather information about vaccine coverage in the owned-dog population (210 households) and about characteristics of owned-dogs and factors influencing owner willin ...19969279985
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