
presenting features and diagnosis of rabies.the early clinical features important in the establishment of a diagnosis of rabies are described from experience of 23 fatal cases in sri lanka. the importance of the "fan test" as a diagnostic sign is stressed. the earliest features of the disease may suggest hysteria if a history of a bite from a rabid animal is not obtained. in a district in which there is an outbreak of rabies cases of rabies hysteria may also develop.197553616
[isolation of "brucella suis" biotype 5 from a bitch, in madagascar. validity of the species name "brucella canis" (author's transl)].a gram-negative organism isolated from a btich, in madagascar, was examined by bacteriologic, immunologic and metabolic methods, in parallel with cultures representative of the brucella species. the organism fits well into the genus brucella on the basis of its growth, biochemical and antigenic characteristics and was found to have the metabolic pattern on l-asparagine (-), l-arginine (+) and dl-ornithine (+) that identifies and defines the species brucella suis. it is of rough colonial morpholo ...1975811148
paralytic rabies in ceylon: a case report. 19751230310
a serologic study of california serogroup bunyaviruses in sri lanka.a seroepidemiologic study of california (cal) serogroup viruses (genus bunyavirus, family bunyaviridae) was carried out on 952 human and 1,834 animal sera collected from different ecological zones of sri lanka (latitudes 5-10 degrees n, longitudes 79-82 degrees e). the sera were screened for neutralizing antibody to lumbo (lum), snowshoe hare (ssh), and trivittatus (tvt) viruses by plaque neutralization tests on vero cells. of 2,786 sera screened, 262 (9.5%) had antibody to one or more viruses t ...19911928574
serological evaluation of ehrlichia canis infections in military dogs in africa and reunion island.sixty-eight dogs from four african countries and reunion island were tested for antibodies against ehrlichia canis. twenty-six dogs (50%) in tunisia, senegal and chad were found positive using the indirect fluorescence antibody test. dogs from both the central african republic and reunion island were all negative. thus, this preliminary report confirms the presence of e. canis in africa. larger studies will be necessary to evaluate the current epidemiologic situation of canine ehrlichiosis in th ...19912024432
[rapid diagnosis of rabies by the elisa method. its application in madagascar: advantages and disadvantages].elisa technique in the rabies rapid diagnosis is compared with other methods used in the pasteur institute of madagascar (immunofluorescence, mouse inoculation, and histopathology). the results of the comparative study of 80 samples of suspect animals show that elisa sensibility is better than immunofluorescence one. sensibility, specificity and viability of elisa are comparable with those of the two confirmation techniques. in madagascar, elisa is adapted to testing samples not conserved in goo ...19902078080
serological examinations of dogs (canis familiaris) in colombo/sri colombo/sri lanka wild dogs were investigated for various zoonoses. based on the poor general conditions the contamination rate was relatively high. 27 of the 30 dog sera reacted positive against listeriosis. 17 of the 29 samples reacted against q-fever in low titers, however, because of the highly purified antigen used these are evaluated as positive. the contamination rate was 100%. 18 sera reacted positive against the rmsf-group antigen. 14 samples reacted positive against chlamydiasis. 17 ...19883169564
preliminary report on the distribution and epidemiology of filariasis in the seychelles islands, indian ocean. 19714400217
[ctenocephalus brygooi n. sp. (siphonaptera, pulicidae), a parasite of malagasy endemic viverrid fossa fossans (müller)]. 19744480533
[principal preventive actions carried out in madagascar in 1970]. 19724676970
[role of animals and birds as sources of salmonella infections in man (literature review)]. 19704927791
[notes on bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in madagascar. v. a. immunity and premunition. b. epizootology]. 19705535538
prevalence of arbovirus antibodies in sera of animals in sri lanka.the sera of cattle, goats, dogs and crows from the colombo area were tested for antibodies against seven arboviruses of the families togaviridae and bunyaviridae by a plaque-reduction neutralization microtest, using vero cells and a stable line of pig kidney (ps) cells. the overall percentages of positive sera among the mammals were: bhanja, 92.5%; calovo (batai), 30.6%; sindbis, 13.8%; langat, 4.8%; tahyna, 3.9%; west nile, 1.6%. among the birds, 23.8% had antibodies to bhanja virus and 9.5% to ...19836609014
[epidemiology of rabies in madagascar]. 19826758714
japanese encephalitis in sri lanka: comparison of vector and virus ecology in different agro-climatic areas.the ecology of japanese encephalitis (je) in different agro-climatological areas of sri lanka was studied in relation to the abundance of mosquito vectors, infection in domestic livestock, and human infection and disease. there was an inverse correlation between altitude and the abundance of potential je vectors, as well as je seroprevalence in domestic livestock and in man. little or no je infection was documented above 1200 m elevation. je seroprevalences in cattle and goats were better predic ...19937903495
the ecology of dogs and canine rabies: a selective review.although dogs are the most widespread and abundant of all carnivores, the role of the dog in human cultures and its impact on the environment have rarely been studied. these subjects are reviewed in the context of canine rabies. to understand the epizootiology of canine rabies, the ecology and population biology of the dog must be considered. information on dog populations (in relation to different habitats, cultures, social strata of human populations and epizootiological situations) was collec ...19938518447
human dirofilariasis caused by dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens in sri lanka.human dirofilariasis due to dirofilaria (nochtiella) repens is a common zoonotic infection in sri lanka. todate 70 cases are on record, and they include 3 expatriates from russia, england and korea, who were undoubtedly infected in sri lanka. around 30-60% of dogs are infected with d. repens in various parts of the country and the mosquito vectors are aedes aegypti, armigeres subalbatus, mansonia uniformis and m. annulifera. unlike in other countries of the old world infection is most common in ...19979802095
characterization of sri lanka rabies virus isolates using nucleotide sequence analysis of nucleoprotein gene.thirty-four suspected rabid brain samples from 2 humans, 24 dogs, 4 cats, 2 mongooses, i jackal and i water buffalo were collected in 1995-1996 in sri lanka. total rna was extracted directly from brain suspensions and examined using a one-step reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) for the rabies virus nucleoprotein (n) gene. twenty-eight samples were found positive for the virus n gene by rt-pcr and also for the virus antigens by fluorescent antibody (fa) test. rabies virus is ...200112083333
elaboration of a crude antigen elisa for serodiagnosis of caprine neosporosis: validation of the test by detection of neospora caninum-specific antibodies in goats from sri lanka.the protozoan parasite n. caninum is a major pathogen in cattle and dogs. however, clinical symptoms are occasionally described for other potential hosts. natural abortion in goats due to n. caninum has been rarely reported and only little data is available on the seroprevalence of n. caninum in this species. in the present study, 486 goats from sri lanka were tested in a crude antigen elisa for the presence of serum antibodies against n. caninum. additionally, the sera were analysed by n. canin ...200415567589
soil contamination with geohelminth ova in a tea determine the degree of soil pollution in an area of high prevalence and the risk of exposure to geohelminth infection.19979476399
[situation of endemic rabies in madagascar].the course of endemic rabies in madagascar between 1982 and 1991 is related. rabies has been raging over the whole island and dog is essentially affected, constituting the single vector of human rabies cases. the authors recall the main measures of struggle against rabies.19938192541
[hepatic hydatidosis in madagascar: a case of autochthonous origin].hydatid disease, due to the larval stage of echinococcus granulosus, is described for the second time at liver level, in madagascar. even with a low level of endemic animal disease and an uncontrolled population of stray dogs, the human parasitosis is very rare in madagascar. it is interesting to note that, since a hundred of years, the epidemiological status of this zoonosis has not really changed in the great island.19947575029
[identification of canine parvovirus infections in madagascar]. 19827170360
epidemiological aspects and risk factors of toxocariasis in a pediatric population in sri lanka.this cross-sectional study, carried out over a period of 11 months, investigated the relationship between toxocara seropositivity, socio-demographic and environmental variables in a pediatric population. risk factors for toxocara infection were assessed by direct interview of parent or guardian using a structured pre-tested questionnaire. eosinophilia and presence of helminth eggs or protozoan cysts in a fecal smear were recorded. diagnosis of toxocara seropositivity in children was based on igg ...200718613538
[leptospirosis on the island of reunion. iii. epidemiologic study].in the island of reunion, rodents and wild dogs can be carriers of leptospires. aquatic environmental plays an important part. human contamination is associated with water and sugar cane. animals are infected by numerous serogroups.19836671268
amebiasis: nutritional implications.studies on the role of nutrition in amebiasis in humans and experimental animals are meager. some reports suggest that malnutrition of the host increases the incidence of infection and potentiates the severity of the disease. others suggest that malnutrition protects the host against invasion. a few reports indicate that dietary regimens can alleviate symptoms and even eradicate the parasite. others doubt a correlation between diet and rate of infection or disease manifestations. the problem is ...19826289405
cutaneous leishmaniasis in sri lanka: a study of possible animal reservoirs.cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) has been detected with increasing frequency in sri lanka in recent years. leishmania donovani has been identified as the causative agent, but no information is available on vector(s) or reservoir(s). in this paper we present data on the screening of possible reservoirs for evidence of infection.200919095480
[research on erythroxylon laurifolium lam. of reunion]. 19655844386
toxocara seropositivity in sri lankan children with asthma.toxocariasis occurs in humans due to infection with toxocara canis or t. cati, the nematode parasites of dogs and cats, respectively. the relationship between toxocariasis and asthma is complex, with some studies demonstrating that children with asthma were more likely to be toxocara seropositive as compared to non-asthmatic children, and other studies indicating no such significant relationship. the aim of the present study was to investigate toxocara seropositivity and its association with ast ...200919405924
dog ecology and demography in antananarivo, 2007.rabies is a widespread disease in african domestic dogs and a serious public health problem in developing countries. canine rabies became established in africa during the 20th century, coinciding with ecologic changes that favored its emergence in canids.this paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ecology in the antananarivo urban community in madagascar.a questionnaire survey of 1541 households was conducted in antananarivo from october 2007 to january 2008. the study addre ...200919486516
population-based estimates of injuries in sri lanka.injuries are the leading cause of public hospital admission in sri lanka. data on injury epidemiology to plan prevention programmes to reduce injury burden are not readily available.200919494096
[can bananas, sweet potatoes and sugar be of interest to animal production in the overseas french departments?]. 19685725697
blood-feeding behavior of aedes albopictus, a vector of chikungunya on la réunion.chikungunya virus (chikv) has long been considered to be transmitted to humans by the human-biting mosquito aedes aegypti, especially in africa. however, the recent outbreak of chikv involved another vector, aedes albopictus, and serological data in the literature suggest that several species of domestic or human-related vertebrates can be contaminated by this virus. however, the role of ae. albopictus mosquitoes as potential enzootic vectors for chikv has not yet been evaluated. here we investi ...201019589060
[study of some malagasy medicinal plants]. 19725053191
[dermatophilus congolensis infection in the dog (van saceghem, 1915)]. 19734801996
filariasis in ceylon then (1961) and in sri lanka now (1990-30 years on).the changes in the prevalence and distribution of bancroftian filariasis in ceylon/sri lanka since professor kershaw's visit in 1961 show that the infection has spread over a wider area, although the microfilaria rates have decreased. new information is available on the vector, culex quinquefasciatus, and more details are available on the animal filariae and their vectors. dirofilaria repens infection of dogs is now a proven zoonosis in the country.19911888209
dirofilaria repens infection and concomitant meningoencephalitis.dirofilaria repens, a filarial nematode of dogs and other carnivores, can accidentally infect humans. clinical symptoms are usually restricted to a subcutaneous nodule containing a single infertile parasite. here, we report a case of d. repens infection with a subcutaneous gravid worm and the patient's concomitant meningoencephalitis and aphasia.200919891881
classification of 8 new strains of leptospira isolated in ceylon. 19751154913
the regional sero-epidemiology of rhinosporidiosis in sri lankan humans and data is available in the world literature on serum anti-rhinosporidial antibody levels in animals, and as far as we aware this is the first report. although rhinosporidiosis in farm and domestic animals has been widely reported from other countries, rhinosporidiosis in animals has not been reported in sri lanka, though this country has the highest world-wide prevalence of human rhinosporidiosis on a unit-population basis. serum igg titres in 6 species of sri lankan animals (buffalo, cat, catt ...201121801708
A genome sequence resource for the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), a nocturnal lemur from Madagascar.We present a high-coverage, draft genome assembly of the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), a highly unusual, nocturnal primate from Madagascar. Our assembly totals ~3.0 billion base pairs (3.0 Gb), roughly the size of the human genome, comprised of ~2.6 million scaffolds (N50 scaffold size = 13,597 bp) based on short, paired-end sequencing reads. We compared the aye-aye genome sequence data to the four other published primate genomes (human, chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus macaque), as w ...201122155688
prevalence of toxoplasma gondii in dogs from sri lanka and genetic characterization of the parasite isolates.the prevalence of toxoplasma gondii in 86 street dogs from sri lanka was determined. antibodies to t. gondii were assayed by the modified agglutination test (mat) and found in 58 (67.4%) of 86 dogs with titers of 1:20 in eight, 1:40 in four, 1:80 in 10, 1:160 in 22, 1:320 in six, 1:640 in five, and 1:1280 or higher in three. hearts, tongues, and brains (either separately or pooled) of 50 dogs with mat titers of 1:40 were selected for isolation of t. gondii by bioassays in mice. for bioassays, ca ...200717442491
coprophagy by wild ring-tailed lemurs (lemur catta) in human-disturbed locations adjacent to the beza mahafaly special reserve, madagascar.coprophagy occurs in a number of animal species, including nonhuman primates. during the 2003-2004 dry seasons at the beza mahafaly special reserve, madagascar, we observed wild ring-tailed lemurs (lemur catta) consuming dried fecal matter from three different species. ring-tailed lemurs consumed human feces on 12 occasions, cattle feces twice, and feral dog feces once. coprophagy in this population may be a behavioral adaptation that provides animals access to energy and nutrients and may be an ...200717253614
[1905 - 2005: one hundred years of veterinary practice in madagascar]. 200516187444
members making a difference. 200515957378
a study of onthophagus unifasciatus. schall (scarabaedae-coprinii) and scarabiasis in ceylon. 196314073616
fungal infections in ceylon. 196214073590
a seroepidemiological study of toxocariasis and risk factors for infection in children in sri lanka.a seroepidemiology study using tes-elisa was carried out in 1,020 children aged 1-12 years in the hindagala community health project, sri lanka. toxocariasis seroprevalence was 43% with 16.6% showing high antibody levels. unconditional logistic regression analysis showed 7-9 year olds to be at the highest risk (or 3.0820; ci = 1.95-4.87). dog ownership, especially puppies (or 29.28; ci = 7.40-116.0), and geophagia-pica (or 6.3732; ci = 3.87-10.50), were significant risk factors. family clusterin ...200312971508
the origin and dispersion of human parasitic diseases in the old world (africa, europe and madagascar).the ancestors of present-day man (homo sapiens sapiens) appeared in east africa some three and a half million years ago (australopithecs), and then migrated to europe, asia, and later to the americas, thus beginning the differentiation process. the passage from nomadic to sedentary life took place in the middle east in around 8000 bc. wars, spontaneous migrations and forced migrations (slave trade) led to enormous mixtures of populations in europe and africa and favoured the spread of numerous p ...200312687757
rabies in sri lanka: splendid isolation.rabies virus exists in dogs on sri lanka as a single, minimally divergent lineage only distantly related to other rabies virus lineages in asia. stable, geographically isolated virus populations are susceptible to local extinction. a fully implemented rabies-control campaign could make sri lanka the first asian country in >30 years to become free of rabies virus.200312643834
seroprevalence of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis on réunion. 200212046790
feasibility of canine oral rabies vaccination in sri lanka--a preliminary test the feasibility of introducing oral rabies vaccine (vaccinia recombinant rabies glycoprotein) to improve domestic dog immunisation coverage in a selected area.200011051702
recovery of a species of brugia, probably b. ceylonensis, from the conjunctiva of a patient in sri lanka.a species of brugia, probably b. ceylonensis, was recovered from the conjunctiva of a patient in sri lanka for the first time. this infection represents only the second record of brugia in the human conjunctiva, and is clearly zoonotic, acquired from a dog. brugia ceylonensis has a distinct head bulb like that of wuchereria bancrofti and b. malayi. however, the parasite recovered was not w. bancrofti, as specific ifat and dna probes gave negative results, and b. malayi is believed to have been e ...200010723527
study of the dog population and the rabies control activities in the mirigama area of sri lanka.the national health authorities of sri lanka have adopted a combined strategy of rabies vaccination and stray dog removal to control endemic dog rabies. despite the control efforts, an increase of animal and human rabies cases has occurred since 1994. as a consequence, a project to evaluate the national rabies control program has been started and a study focussing on the dog population and rabies control activities in a limited area of mirigama was conducted. information on canine abundance and ...200010708011
rabies vaccination of domesticated dogs in the central province of sri lanka. 200717691566
revisiting rabies in japan: is there cause for alarm?since 1957 japan has successfully eradicated human and animal rabies through registration, confinement and compulsory vaccination of family dogs, and elimination of stray dogs. however, in november 2006, two cases of human rabies infections were reported in the country. these patients were bitten by dogs during travel in the philippines, and did not receive pre- and post-exposure prophylaxes. with the mounting numbers of japanese travelers every year, the risk of infection increases especially t ...200717870631
rabies virus in a dog imported to the uk from sri lanka. 200818453383
disease importation and animal welfare. 200818622001
warmer weather linked to tick attack and emergence of severe rickettsioses.the impact of climate on the vector behaviour of the worldwide dog tick rhipicephalus sanguineus is a cause of concern. this tick is a vector for life-threatening organisms including rickettsia rickettsii, the agent of rocky mountain spotted fever, r. conorii, the agent of mediterranean spotted fever, and the ubiquitous emerging pathogen r. massiliae. a focus of spotted fever was investigated in france in may 2007. blood and tissue samples from two patients were tested. an entomological survey w ...200819015724
intentional poisoning cases of animals with anticholinesterase pesticide-carbofuran in sri lanka.carbofuran is a broad spectrum insecticide and nematicide which inhibits acetyl cholinesterase. several intentional poisoning cases of animals and birds including crows, dogs, cow, and elephant, using carbofuran were reported in sri lanka. qualitative analysis of carbofuran in biological specimens was carried out using t.l.c and gc-ms. the quantitative analysis was carried out by hplc using zorbax eclips xdb-c18 (150 x 4.6 mm i.d x 5 microm particle size) column with acetonitrile: water 25:75 v/ ...200919269215
human rabies focusing on dog ecology-a challenge to public health in sri lanka.sri lanka is among the top ten countries in the world that report the highest rate of human rabies deaths (2.8 per 1,000,000 in 2007) and animal bites requiring anti-rabies post-exposure treatment (pet) (755 per 100,000 in 2003). dogs are the main reservoir and transmitters of rabies in sri lanka. present study evaluates the effectiveness of dog rabies control strategies on reducing incidence of human rabies deaths. analysis is based on data from last three decades and showed strong correlations ...200919540826
neighborhood environment and self-rated health among adults in southern sri lanka.the prevalence of different neighborhood environmental stressors and associations between the stressors and self-rated health are described in a representative sample of 2,077 individuals, aged 18-85 years, in southern sri lanka. mosquito menace (69.4%), stray dog problems (26.8%), nuisance from neighbors (20.3%), and nuisance from drug users (18.7%) were found to be the most prevalent environmental stressors. none of the stressors investigated were associated with self-rated physical health, bu ...200919742209
a pilot study on the usefulness of information and education campaign materials in enhancing the knowledge, attitude and practice on rabies in rural sri lanka.rabies remains endemic in sri lanka despite a strong government patronized anti-rabies campaign. personal, cultural or religious beliefs have been thought to influence health practices that could render rabies prevalent in the country.200919749450
surveillance for antibodies to leishmania spp. in dogs from sri lanka.the global distribution of leishmaniasis is rapidly expanding into new geographic regions. dogs are the primary reservoir hosts for human visceral leishmaniasis caused by infection with leishmania infantum. natural infections with other leishmania spp. can occur in dogs, but their role as reservoir hosts for other species of leishmania is uncertain. leishmania donovani is traditionally considered a visceralizing anthroponotic species; however, cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by l. donovani has be ...201019803542
serological evidence of thailand virus-related hantavirus infection among suspected leptospirosis patients in kandy, sri lanka.a cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the current prevalence of leptospirosis and hantaviral infections, and the socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors of infected patients, in kandy, sri lanka. this report discusses the serological evidence of hantavirus infections among 105 suspected leptospirosis patients, 8 of whom had hantavirus antibodies. serotyping elisa showed that these 8 patients had high optical density values for thailand virus. most of the sera showed that ...201121266762
[Eosinophilic pneumonia in response to cutaneous larva migrans syndrome--a case report].Cutaneous larva migrans is a parasitic dermatosis imported by travelers returning from tropical and subtropical regions. In cutaneous larva migrans syndrome humans are incidental hosts and the larvae are unable to complete their natural cycle. Adult hookworms live in the intestines of dogs and cats, shedding eggs in feces that hatch and mature into larvae that can remain infective for months in the soil. Larvae penetrate the skin after contact with infected soil and cause an itchy creeping erupt ...201121861262
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