
studies on vibrio parahaemolyticus in bombay. 19751219912
a preliminary report of the pharmacological actions of "satpurush"--an indigenous plant growing in southern maharashtra. 19724645941
prevalence of leptospirosis in bombay. studies in man and animals. 19674970101
studies on the sandflies collected indoors in aurangabad district maharashtra state (diptera: psychodidae). 19715158993
urolithiasis in dogs--a survey of cases in bombay city. 19695393516
tick-borne rickettsioses in pune district, maharashtra, extensive study on tick-borne rickettsioses in the pune district of maharashtra revealed that indian tick typhus exists as a zoonosis, which only occasionally causes disease in man. by sero-conversion in guinea pigs, presumptive isolates of rickettsia conori and coxiella burnetii were recovered from 4 of the 11 species of ticks examined. boophilus microplus and rhipicephalus haemaphysalis were found to be harbouring r. conori whereas c. burnetii was isolated from haemaphysalis intermedia and ...19846500861
profile of management of animal bite cases among rural population in district pune, maharashtra.the study was carried out in three randomly selected primary health centres (phcs) of district pune. during three months of study period all the patients with animal bite attending phcs were enrolled for the study. all the animal bite cases (451) were due to dog bite and 61.4% were reported to be bitten by pet dogs. in spite of having the knowledge about seriousness of illness, immediate care like washing of wound with soap and water was practiced by only 23.5%. majority of them did not report i ...200718232148
epidemiology of viral pathogens of free-ranging dogs and indian foxes in a human-dominated landscape in central india.there is an increasing concern that free-ranging domestic dog (canis familiaris) populations may serve as reservoirs of pathogens which may be transmitted to wildlife. we documented the prevalence of antibodies to three viral pathogens, canine parvovirus (cpv), canine distemper virus (cdv) and canine adenovirus (cav), in free-ranging dog and sympatric indian fox (vulpes bengalensis) populations in and around the great indian bustard wildlife sanctuary, in maharashtra, central india. a total of 2 ...201425135467
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