
occurrence of the lung fluke paragonimus hueit'ungensis in manipur, india.paragonimus has emerged as an important parasitic zoonosis in recent years in manipur, india. however, no scientific data on the systematic and phylogenetic classification of lung fluke in india is available. therefore, a study was conducted to determine the species of lung fluke prevalent in manipur by infecting an experimental animal with paragonimus metacercariae obtained from fresh water crabs.200212433028
occurrence of the lung fluke, paragonimus heterotremus in manipur, determine the natural crustacean host, the paragonimus species, and to investigate the potential host-parasite relationship between manipur paragonimus and some of the laboratory animals.200312901523
possible discovery of chinese lung fluke, paragonimus skrjabini in manipur, obtain more information about paragonimus species prevalent in manipur, india, hundreds of freshwater crabs, potamiscus manipurensis, were captured from mountain streams in the motbung mountains in senapati district, from december 1997 to january 1998. crab extracts were prepared by digestion, differential filtration, and sedimentation. the filtered sediments were critically examined under a stereomicroscope. isolated paragonimus metacercariae were used for morphological study and animal expe ...200617547053
experimental infection with paragonimus heterotremus metacercariae in laboratory animals in manipur, india.this study was aimed to find out the host-parasite relationship between paragonimus heterotremus isolated as metacercariae from mountain crabs, indochinamon manipurensis, in manipur, india and laboratory animals such as puppies, albino rats, swiss mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits, as experimental animals. the animals were fed with the metacercariae. infected animals were sacrificed 35 to 430 days after feeding to recover worms, which were used to determine the developmental stages. adult worms (n ...201121323162
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