
molecular detection of tick-borne protozoal and ehrlichial infections in domestic dogs in south africa.a total of 1,138 blood specimens were collected over a 6-year period (2000-2006) from domestic dogs in south africa. specimens from domestic dogs were obtained from the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital (ovah) in pretoria, the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (johannesburg, durban, east london and bloemfontein) and private practices from four provinces (gauteng, mpumalanga, kwazulu-natal and western cape). all specimens were screened for babesia, theileria, hepatozoon an ...200818502588
molecular detection of babesia rossi and hepatozoon sp. in african wild dogs (lycaon pictus) in south africa.blood specimens from wild dogs (n=301) were obtained from de wildt cheetah and wildlife centre (pretoria) and five game reserves (4 in the north-west province and 1 in limpopo province), south africa. specimens were screened for babesia, theileria, hepatozoon and ehrlichia/anaplasma species using pcr and reverse line blot (rlb) assays. positive results were obtained in 18 (6%) wild dogs. sixteen specimens were found positive for babesia rossi and two dogs were hepatozoon sp. positive. it appears ...200818752897
preliminary evaluation of the brema1 gene as a tool for associating babesia rossi genotypes and clinical manifestation of canine babesiosis.babesia rossi, an intraerythrocytic protozoan, causes a severe, often life-threatening disease of domestic dogs. dogs treated early for b. rossi infection usually recover from the disease, but dogs left untreated or treated at a later stage of infection seldom survive. dogs infected with b. rossi have varied clinical manifestations that can be categorized as uncomplicated (with a good prognosis) or complicated (with a poor prognosis). one hundred twenty-one blood samples were collected from dogs ...200919741079
detection of a theileria species in dogs in south africa.a theileria species was detected by pcr in blood samples collected from dogs in the pietermaritzburg area and was also found in dogs presented at the outpatients clinic of the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital (ovah), in the pretoria area, south africa. in the pietermaritzburg area, 79 of the 192 samples were positive, while 3 out of 1137 of the onderstepoort samples were positive. three positive samples from pietermaritzburg were co-infected with ehrlichia canis. pcr positive samples w ...200818687528
a case-controlled retrospective study of the causes and implications of moderate to severe leukocytosis in dogs in south africa.previous studies showed that dogs with extreme leukocytosis had specific types of diseases, long hospitalization times, and high mortality rates. objectives: the aim of this study was to determine whether dogs with moderate to severe leukocytosis are likely to have similar results compared with age-matched control dogs.200818533915
seroprevalence of canine herpesvirus in breeding kennels in the gauteng province of south africa.canine herpesvirus (chv-1) causes neonatal deaths as well as infertility due to embryonal death, abortion and stillbirths in breeding kennels. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against canine herpesvirus in the serum of dogs older than 1 year in breeding kennels in the gauteng province of south africa. a serum neutralization test (snt) and a newly developed enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were used to test the serum samples of 328 dogs in 38 breeding k ...200817981320
aldicarb poisoning of dogs and cats in gauteng during 2003.a survey of aldicarb poisoning in companion animals was conducted by posting questionnaires to all private practitioners in gauteng province, south africa. the survey was designed to determine the percentage of aldicarb cases seen, treatment regimen, clinical signs observed, proposals for preventative actions and more effective treatments. other questions included duration of treatment, survival rate, cost to clients, post mortem findings and reasons for poisonings.200415830602
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xliv. fleas (insecta: siphonaptera: pulicidae) collected from 15 carnivore species.fleas were collected from 61 wild carnivores belonging to 13 species in various nature reserves and on farms, two feral domestic cats in a nature reserve and a domestic dog in the city of johannesburg. eleven flea species, including two subspecies of one of these, belonging to six genera were recovered. amongst these only ctenocephalides felis felis and ctenocephalides felis strongylus are considered specific parasites of carnivores. the remaining ten species normally infest the prey animals of ...200415185570
confirmation of occurrence of babesia canis vogeli in domestic dogs in south africa.the prevalence of babesia infections in domestic dogs in south africa was studied using reverse line blot hybridization and 18s sequence analysis. babesia canis vogeli was confirmed for the first time in domestic dogs in south africa. out of a total of 297 blood samples collected from domestic dogs in bloemfontein, east london, johannesburg, durban and from the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital, 31 were positive for babesia canis rossi, whereas b. c. vogeli was detected in 13 dogs. none ...200415177716
hosts, seasonal occurrence and life cycle of rhipicentor nuttalli (acari: ixodidae).there are only two species worldwide within the genus rhipicentor, namely rhipicentor bicornis and rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in africa. rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in south africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. rock elephant shrews, elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the free state province, one in gauteng province and two in limpopo province, south afric ...200212356163
the breed prevalence of dog erythrocyte antigen 1.1 in the onderstepoort area of south africa and its significance in selection of canine blood donors.the blood group antigen dog erythrocyte antigen (dea) 1.1 is clinically the most important canine blood group as dea 1.1 antibodies are capable of causing acute haemolytic, potentially life-threatening transfusion reactions. dogs do not have naturally occurring antibodies to dea 1.1 but are rapidly sensitised by the first incompatible transfusion. the prevalence of dea 1.1 in the general dog population is estimated at 42-46%. canine blood donors registered with the onderstepoort animal blood ban ...200212240769
veterinary needs of dogs in two resource-limited communities in the gauteng and north west provinces of south africa.information on the socioeconomic aspects and the health status of dogs in 2 resource-limited communities in the north west and gauteng provinces of south africa was gathered using semi-structured interviews and a standardised questionnaire. the dogs were examined clinically to determine their health status, and their body condition and age were scored. most of the dogs (93 % in jericho and 90 % in zuurbekom) were infected with hookworm, which poses a threat to animal and human health in the 2 st ...200112219916
the ecology of west nile virus in south africa and the occurrence of outbreaks in humans.this paper reviews studies done on west nile virus (wnv) in south africa, mainly between 1962 and 1980 on the temperate inland plateau (highveld and karoo). the virus is maintained in an enzootic transmission cycle between feral birds and the ornithophilic mosquito culex univittatus. about 30 avian species have been shown to be involved without mortality. humans, and other mammals, although they may have antibodies, are considered blind-alleys in the transmission cycle except perhaps some dogs. ...200111797772
novel ehrlichia genotype detected in dogs in south africa.dna samples from dogs presenting with symptoms suggestive of canine ehrlichiosis, but with no morulae detected on blood smears, frequently failed to give a positive reaction with a north american ehrlichia canis-specific pcr assay targeting the 16s rrna gene. we suspected the presence of a pathogen genetically different from north american e. canis, and we performed experiments to test this hypothesis. dna from one canine blood sample was subjected to pcr with primers designed to amplify ehrlich ...200111682562
helminths in dogs belonging to people in a resource-limited urban community in gauteng, south hundred and sixty-four faecal samples, 148 adhesive tape swabs and 132 blood samples were collected from dogs in boksburg, gauteng, to assess the prevalence of helminth parasites in the area. sixty-nine of these dogs were also necropsied and helminths recovered from the gastro-intestinal tracts. ancylostoma caninum was the most common helminth and was present in 88% of the dogs, followed by dipylidium caninum in 39% of dogs, toxocara canis in 36%, ancylostoma braziliense in 20%, spirocerca l ...200111585088
helicopter-based censusing of domestic dogs in gauteng province, south africa.decision support in veterinary epidemiology often depends on density estimates of domestic animals. these estimates are usually based on ground surveys of various types. ground surveys are difficult to undertake in the informal housing settlements that are frequently encountered in developing countries. in addition, they are time-consuming and expensive. in this study, field experience in enumerating wildlife from helicopters was used to count domestic animals in gauteng province, south africa. ...200011205169
survey of canine babesiosis in south africa.a questionnaire, designed to obtain qualitative information on a number of variables concerning canine babesiosis (biliary fever) in south africa, was sent to 510 veterinary practices in late 1993. of the 157 practices that responded, all were presented with cases of babesiosis and most were situated in gauteng, the western cape and kwazulu-natal. apart from the western cape, a winter-rainfall region, the prevalence of babesiosis cases in dogs was highest in summer. most of the respondent practi ...200011205168
the incidence of gastroenteritis diagnosis among sick dogs presented to the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital correlated with meteorological data.the number of sick dogs diagnosed with and without gastroenteritis presented to the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital situated north of pretoria is reported from counts extracted from the records of the outpatients clinic for 6 years, 1988 to 1993. the average percentage of sick dogs diagnosed with gastroenteritis was 11.51% and the average percentage of sick dogs that were admitted to the parvovirus isolation hospital ward was 2.8%. a strong correlation exists between the number of dog ...199910855830
helminth parasites of dogs from two resource-limited communities in south africa.biological samples were collected from dogs in resource-limited communities in the north-west and gauteng provinces of south africa to assess the prevalence of helminth parasitism. these samples included adhesive tape peri-anal skin swabs and fresh faecal samples for helminth examination, and thick and thin blood films (smears) and whole-blood samples in anticoagulant for examination of filarial nematode microfilariae and haemoprotozoa. the eggs of ancylostoma caninum, toxocara canis, toxascaris ...199910855829
comparative review of bitemark cases from pretoria, south africa.bitemark evidence has become more scientifically based and is currently widely accepted in the legal process. bitemarks can be inflicted by humans or animals on humans, animals and a variety of inanimate objects and can be found on any part of the body, with their quality and appearance being influenced by a variety of factors. the purpose of this study was to record the experiences with bitemark cases presented to forensic odontologists at the university of pretoria from 1983-1993 and to compar ...19949227062
the incidence of canine babesiosis amongst sick dogs presented to the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital.the number of sick dogs with and without canine babesiosis, a potentially fatal tick-borne disease, presented to the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital situated north of pretoria is reported from counts extracted from the records of the outpatients clinic for the 6 years 1988 to 1993. the average percentage of sick dogs diagnosed as positive for canine babesiosis is 11.69%, of which 31.4% were admitted to the small animal medicine clinic for more intensive treatment. the correlation betw ...19958691416
serological survey for canine leptospirosis in the pretoria area.canine serum samples (n = 400) from the pretoria area were tested for leptospira antibodies, using the microscopic agglutination test. the prevalence of antibodies (inconclusive and positive titres) was 1.5%. reactions were only against leptospira interrogans serovars tarassovi and pyrogens. leptospirosis does not appear to be an important canine disease in the pretoria area.19938496894
gastro-intestinal helminths of domestic dogs in the republic of south africa.of the gastro-intestinal helminths found in 1 063 dogs from different parts of the country, dipylidium caninum, the most prevalent cestode, occurred in 19,7% of the animals. echinococcus granulosus was present in 10 dogs, 8 of which were from urban areas, and taenia hydatigena in 69 dogs. taemia multiceps was recovered from dogs only in the cape province and the orange free state. toxocara canis was present in 81 of the necropsies carried out on 253 dogs from the pretoria municipal area, while a ...1979575920
emergence of rabies in the gauteng province, south africa: 2010-2011.canine rabies is enzootic throughout sub-saharan africa, including the republic of south africa. historically, in south africa the coastal provinces of kwazulu-natal and eastern cape were most affected. alarmingly, outbreaks of canine rabies have been increasingly reported in the past decade from sites where it has previously been under control. from january 2010 to december 2011, 53 animal rabies cases were confirmed; these were mostly in domestic dogs from southern johannesburg, which was prev ...201323718320
high prevalence of antibodies against canine adenovirus (cav) type 2 in domestic dog populations in south africa precludes the use of cav-based recombinant rabies vaccines.rabies in dogs can be controlled through mass vaccination. oral vaccination of domestic dogs would be useful in the developing world, where greater vaccination coverage is needed especially in inaccessible areas or places with large numbers of free-roaming dogs. from this perspective, recent research has focused on development of new recombinant vaccines that can be administered orally in a bait to be used as adjunct for parenteral vaccination. one such candidate, a recombinant canine adenovirus ...201323867013
prevalence of the dog nematode spirocerca lupi in populations of its intermediate dung beetle host in the tshwane (pretoria) metropole, south africa.spirocerca lupi (spirurida: spirocercidae) is a cosmopolitan parasite, principally of domestic dogs and dung beetles are its main intermediate hosts. in south africa there has recently been growing concern over the upsurge of reported cases of clinical spirocercosis in dogs, while little is known or understood about the dynamics of the host-parasite associations between dung beetles and this nematode. we determined and compared the prevalence of infection in dung beetles between rural, urban and ...200819294987
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