gastro-intestinal helminths of domestic dogs in the republic of south africa. | of the gastro-intestinal helminths found in 1 063 dogs from different parts of the country, dipylidium caninum, the most prevalent cestode, occurred in 19,7% of the animals. echinococcus granulosus was present in 10 dogs, 8 of which were from urban areas, and taenia hydatigena in 69 dogs. taemia multiceps was recovered from dogs only in the cape province and the orange free state. toxocara canis was present in 81 of the necropsies carried out on 253 dogs from the pretoria municipal area, while a ... | 1979 | 575920 |
first report of a parasitic mite, leptotrombidium (hypotrombidium) subquadratum (lawerence) (acari: trombiculidae: trombiculinae), from dogs and children in the bloemfontein area, south africa. | leptotrombidium subqunadratum larvae were collected for the first time in 1994 from dogs in bloemfontein. the larvae have been collected annually, during the summer months, over a period of 6-7 years. previously the only known hosts were scrub hare (lepus saxatilis) (locality unknown) and short-snouted elephant shrew (elephantulus brachyrhynchus) (kruger national park). these mites cause severe itching and dermatitis in humans and dogs. | 2001 | 11513258 |
hosts, seasonal occurrence and life cycle of rhipicentor nuttalli (acari: ixodidae). | there are only two species worldwide within the genus rhipicentor, namely rhipicentor bicornis and rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in africa. rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in south africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. rock elephant shrews, elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the free state province, one in gauteng province and two in limpopo province, south afric ... | 2002 | 12356163 |
confirmation of occurrence of babesia canis vogeli in domestic dogs in south africa. | the prevalence of babesia infections in domestic dogs in south africa was studied using reverse line blot hybridization and 18s sequence analysis. babesia canis vogeli was confirmed for the first time in domestic dogs in south africa. out of a total of 297 blood samples collected from domestic dogs in bloemfontein, east london, johannesburg, durban and from the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital, 31 were positive for babesia canis rossi, whereas b. c. vogeli was detected in 13 dogs. none ... | 2004 | 15177716 |
molecular detection of tick-borne protozoal and ehrlichial infections in domestic dogs in south africa. | a total of 1,138 blood specimens were collected over a 6-year period (2000-2006) from domestic dogs in south africa. specimens from domestic dogs were obtained from the onderstepoort veterinary academic hospital (ovah) in pretoria, the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (johannesburg, durban, east london and bloemfontein) and private practices from four provinces (gauteng, mpumalanga, kwazulu-natal and western cape). all specimens were screened for babesia, theileria, hepatozoon an ... | 2008 | 18502588 |
the spread of canine rabies into free state province of south africa: a molecular epidemiological characterization. | the free state (fs) province of the republic of south africa is associated with endemic rabies in the yellow mongoose, cynictis penicillata. historically, this mongoose rabies virus biotype occasionally spilled over into domestic dogs, but the canid rabies virus biotype of southern africa did not occur here, until recently. we report on the recent spread of canine rabies by means of a molecular epidemiological study that was performed on a cohort of 69 rabies viruses collected from dogs in fs pr ... | 2009 | 19428751 |
helminths in dogs from a peri-urban resource-limited community in free state province, south africa. | this study focused on the helminth parasites of dogs in the bloemfontein area of the free state province of south africa. samples were collected from 63 stray dogs destined for euthanasia. complete sets of samples, consisting of blood, faeces, adhesive tape swabs and organs (heart, lungs and complete gastro-intestinal tract) from each dog were examined for helminth parasites. dipylidium caninum was the most common helminth, and was recovered from 44% of dogs, followed by taenia spp. (33%), toxas ... | 2002 | 12163245 |
diversity, seasonality and sites of attachment of adult ixodid ticks on dogs in the central region of the free state province, south africa. | several surveys of ticks infesting dogs belonging to owners in resource-limited and more affluent communities have been conducted in south africa, but no such investigation has been carried out in the free state province of this country. the present study was initiated to meet this shortcoming. ticks were collected from dogs at six localities in, and to the east of the city of bloemfontein in the central region of the province. three of these localities could be classed as resource-limited and t ... | 2001 | 12026063 |