[mallophaga from birds and mammals in zoological gardens]. | almost 1,850 mallophagen individuals from 95 host species (birds and mammals) most of which from the zoological gardens in łódź and wrocław (both in poland) have been investigated. as regards bird biting lice amblyceran species were found to be more frequent than ischnoceran ones. the great majority of species and individuals of mallophaga were host-specific. stragglers were mainly found on relatively big birds. the "populations" of bird biting lice in the two zoological gardens were found to be ... | 1983 | 6638601 |
[parasitic fauna of the digestive tract of dogs and cats in the city of wroclaw with special reference to nematodes from the family ancylostomidae]. | | 1963 | 14054747 |
[complement fixation tests in toxoplasmosis of dogs from wroclaw]. | | 1964 | 14348743 |
[effect of environmental conditions on parasitic infection of dogs]. | the following intestinal parasites: dipylidium caninum, taenia hydatigena, trichocephalus vulpis, ancylostoma caninum, uncinaria stenocephala, toxocara canis, toxascaris leonina, ascaris sp. have been found on the basis of coprological investigations of 120 dogs from the wrocłow shelter, 20 dogs from wrocłow flats and 20 dogs from rural area of kielce district. total extensity of infection of rural dogs was 100% and 40-48% in town. these differences, according to the authors, are connected with ... | 1994 | 7801643 |
[epizootic situation of rabies in domestic animals in the city of wroc+éaw 2000-2009]. | rabies is a viral contagious disease. during the disease there are unreversable inflammatory changes of the brain ending with death. thus, every human and animal bite case is epidemiologicaly analyzed. the aim of the study was an analyze of cases of observation of companion and wild animals that had bitten humans in the city of wroclaw and surrounding in the years 200-2009. in that time 925 cases were reported and observed. among these group dogs were 81%, cat's 13,5% and other species 5,5%. in ... | 2011 | 21735839 |
new locations of dermacentor reticulatus ticks in western poland: the first evidence of the merge in d. reticulatus occurrence areas? | the ornate dog tick, d. reticulatus, is the second most common tick species in europe. it occurs across the temperate zone of eurasia, from england and france to the basin of the jenisej river in siberia, and the occurrence area ranges from 56-57 degrees n latitude down to 52 degrees n latitude. the range is divided into two distinct parts, the west-european and the eastern part. the western region covers france and northern spain, south-western england and wales, germany, austria, czech, wester ... | 2010 | 21449488 |
cases with manifestation of chemodectoma diagnosed in dogs in department of internal diseases with horses, dogs and cats clinic, veterinary medicine faculty, university of environmental and life sciences, wroclaw, poland. | in the period of 3 years, 9 tumours of chemodectoma were supravitally diagnosed and histopathologically verified in dogs. in this period 15 351 dogs were admitted to the clinic of dogs and cats and 2 145 dogs were examined in the cardiological outpatient clinic for dogs. this tumour is located in a typical place--at the base of the heart. most frequently the tumour manifested in older boxers. only in one case such a tumour was diagnosed in another breed of dogs. the tumours ranged in size betwee ... | 2010 | 20492718 |
[the evaluation of soil contamination with geohelminth eggs in the area of wrocław, poland]. | the main source of many zoonoses is soil contaminated with feline and canine faeces. the aim of this study was to examine the degree of soil contamination with geohelminth eggs in the area of wrocław. within 2006-2007 a total of 185 soil samples (parks, backyards, playgrounds and city squares) from area were collected and then examined using flotation technique in saturated sodium nitrate. the helminth eggs were found in 37 (20%) samples. the highest rate of contamination was in the city squares ... | 2008 | 19338223 |