
human and canine dirofilariasis in greece.human dirofilariasis is a disease which is considered to be rare in greece, less than 20 cases having been reported prior to 1990. the clinical manifestations were usually subcutaneous nodules, and in only two cases there was ocular dirofilariasis. eight new cases were recognized in humans during the last six years in athens, two of which with ophthalmic involvement. twelve additional cases have been detected but not published in thessaloniki. in all human cases, the worms were identified as bei ...19979802098
asymptomatic canine leishmaniasis in greater athens area, greece.leishmania (l.) infantum is the etiological agent of human and canine visceral leishmaniasis in the mediterranean subregion. domestic dogs are the main reservoir of the parasite in most urban areas. a survey of 1638 asymptomatic dogs registered in greater athens area was carried out in the hellenic pasteur institute during the period 1986-1994 to investigate the prevalence of canine visceral leishmaniasis in apparently healthy dogs. dog sera was tested using the indirect fluorescent antibody tec ...199910395058
seroprevalence of equine piroplasms and host-related factors associated with infection in greece.serum samples were collected from a total of 544 equids that included 524 horses, 13 mules, and 7 ponies from various regions of mainland greece and were examined by competitive-inhibition elisa (celisa) to evaluate the level of exposure of greek equids to theileria (babesia) equi and/or babesia caballi, the causative agents of piroplasmosis. association between seropositivity and host-related factors of species, gender, age, origin, activity and location were investigated. the overall seropreva ...201020138434
serologic evidence of mixed infection involving the zoonoses leishmaniasis and leptospirosis in greek dogs.leishmaniasis, an important zoonosis, was serologically found to coexist with leptospirosis, another important zoonosis. the proportion of dogs positive to leishmaniasis was approximately 36%. significant differences were observed between dogs located in greater athens and those from rural greece. although dogs from either of the groups had a similar chance to be infected, rural dogs had significantly (p<0.01) higher titers (1/1,600) than dogs from greater athens. thirty two of the 344 dog serum ...200212437225
canine visceral leishmaniasis in the great athens area, greece.a survey of 1,175 dogs with suspected visceral leishmaniasis (vl), was carried out to investigate canine leishmaniasis in the athens basin, the largest metropolitan area of greece. the dogs examined were not a random sample since animals were selected on the basis of symptoms indicating the disease. dog sera were tested using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique (ifat), with titres greater than or equal to 1/200 considered positive for vl. on this basis 569 dogs (48.4%) were found positiv ...19968758549
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