
[the prevalence of sarcocystis species in sheep slaughtered in municipality slaughterhouse in kirikkale].this study was undertaken for the determination of sarcocysts species in sheep slaughtered in kirikkale municipality slaughterhouse. for this study, oesophageal, diaphragm and intercostal muscles were collected from randomly selected 112 sheep out of 1131 sheep (814 sheep and 317 lambs) that were slaughtered from october 2005 to may 2006. the samples were examined for macro and microcyst of sarcocysts spp. macrocysts and microcysts were found in 58.92% of the overall samples. microcysts were fou ...200718224615
the prevalence of dirofilaria immitis in dogs in kirikkale.heartworm infection is one of the most important parasitic diseases in dogs. the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of heartworm in dogs in kirikkale. blood samples of 172 dogs were collected. microfilariae were detected in 10 (5.8%). dogs with the knott technique. the anal and excretory pores stained with acid phosphates showed that the microfilariae belonged to dirofilaria immitis. microfilariae were found in dogs aged between 2-10 years, and especially in siberian huskie ...200818985575
[investigation of the prevalence of visceral leishmaniasis by the microculture method and ifat in dogs in kirikkale.]this study was carried out in order to compare the seroprevalence of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from different areas of kirikkale between 2006-2008 using the microculture method (mcm) which is a new method, and the indirect fluorescent antigen test (ifat). all of the blood collected from total of 50 dogs was found to be negative by mcm. only one male beagle strain dog (3 years old) was found to be seropositive at 1/128 titers (2%) for anti-leishmania infantum igg antibodies by ifat.201020340078
soil contamination with ascarid eggs in playgrounds in kirikkale, turkey.contamination of soil with feline and canine ascarid eggs in eight playgrounds in kirikkale, turkey was investigated monthly from february 2003 to january 2004. dog faeces were also collected and all samples were examined using the zinc sulphate centrifugal flotation method. eggs of toxocara were observed in 5 of 8 (62.5%) of playgrounds examined and in 15.6% of 480 soil samples. the number of eggs varied from 1 to 11. eggs were observed in soil samples collected in february, march to june, augu ...200616469167
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