practical approach for typing strains of leishmania infantum by microsatellite analysis. | currently the universally accepted standard procedure for characterizing and identifying strains of leishmania is isoenzyme analysis. however, in the mediterranean area, despite their very wide geographical distribution, most leishmania infantum strains belong to zymodeme mon-1. in order to increase our understanding of polymorphism in strains of l. infantum, we developed pcr assays amplifying 10 microsatellites and sequenced pcr products. the discriminative power of microsatellite analysis was ... | 2002 | 12202583 |
molecular fingerprinting of leishmania infantum strains following an outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis in central israel. | human and canine visceral leishmaniasis caused by leishmania infantum emerged in central israel after an absence of over 30 years. the origin of this outbreak was investigated by examining genetic polymorphisms in 37 strains isolated from dogs and patients with visceral leishmaniasis in the continuously active northern israeli and west bank foci and in a new israeli focus using dna fingerprinting with the human multilocus minisatellite probe 33.15. analysis of the patterns obtained by dna finger ... | 2005 | 16333098 |
emergence of visceral leishmaniasis in central israel. | in 1994-1995, a child and five dogs from villages located between jerusalem and tel-aviv, israel were diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis (vl). based on these findings, the distribution of vl in domestic and wild canids in central israel was examined. in the two villages where canine index cases were identified, a substantial proportion (11.5%, 14 of 122) of the dogs examined were seropositive. however, the rate of infection in five neighboring villages was only 1% (1 of 99). parasites were cu ... | 1998 | 9840588 |
population genetics of leishmania infantum in israel and the palestinian authority through microsatellite analysis. | multilocus microsatellite typing (mlmt) was used to investigate the genetic variation among 44 israeli and palestinian strains of l. infantum isolated from infected dogs and human cases to determine their population structure and to compare them with strains isolated from different european countries. most of the israeli and palestinian strains had their own individual mlmt profiles; a few shared the same profile. a bayesian model-based approach and phylogenetic reconstructions based on genetic ... | 2009 | 19399967 |
kinetoplast dna heterogeneity among leishmania infantum strains in central israel and palestine. | leishmania infantum is the causative agent of canine and human visceral leishmaniasis in israel and palestine. amplification of the kinetoplast dna (kdna), followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis with restriction enzymes was used to examine the genotypic association between l. infantum strains isolated from 22 dogs and 2 humans from these adjoining regions. results showed wide kdna heterogeneity in these strains. two main clusters (a and b) were identified. cluster a ... | 2009 | 19155138 |