
domestic animals as reservoirs for sleeping sickness in three endemic foci in south-eastern uganda.the persistence of sleeping sickness (human african trypanosomiasis) in some areas of south-eastern uganda has necessitated further investigations, focusing mainly on domestic animals as reservoirs of this disease in three agro-ecological zones. the inter-zone differences in the prevalences of trypanosome infection among cattle (p < 0.001) and pigs (p < 0.001) were significant. overall, 5.0% of the cattle, 13.9% of the pigs and 0.4% of the small ruminants investigated were found to be infected w ...200312803870
isoenzyme comparison of trypanozoon isolates from two sleeping sickness areas of south-eastern uganda.the study characterized 151 trypanozoon isolates from south-east uganda by isoenzyme electrophoresis. stocks were from a range of hosts, including man, cattle, pigs, dogs and glossina fuscipes fuscipes: 104 isolates were from the busoga area, 47 were from the tororo district. stocks were characterized on thin layer starch gel using eight enzyme systems: alat, asat, icd, mdh, me, nhd, nhi, pgm. enzyme profiles were generally typical of east africa; new patterns for icd and me were detected. trypa ...19937903841
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