
isolation of campylobacter spp. and yersinia enterocolitica from domestic animals and human patients in kenya.rectal swabs or faecal samples from 992 domestic animals and 97 human patients in the nairobi region were cultured for thermophilic campylobacter species and yersinia enterocolitica. the highest isolation rate of campylobacters was obtained from diarrhoeic pigs (55.1%), followed by healthy chicken (51.5%), diarrhoeic dogs (47.2%), healthy pigs (44.0%), healthy ducks (29.4%), healthy goats (6.3%), healthy cattle (5.8%), diarrhoeic humans (3.1%), and healthy sheep (2.0%). only one strain of y. ent ...19883345259
hydatid disease in the turkana district of kenya, iv. the prevalence of echinococcus granulosus infections in dogs, and observations on the role of the dog in the lifestyle of the turkana.the prevalence of echinococcus granulosus in dogs in the turkana district of kenya was 39.4% of 695 examined. of these, 98 (35.8%) had heavy echinococcus worm burdens (10(3)-5 x 10(4) ), while 54 (19.7%) and 122 (44.5%) had medium (201-1000) and light (1-200) burdens. the possible sources of these infections are discussed. the prevalence rate differed in various parts of the district, ranging from 63.5% in the northwest, where the highest incidence of human hydatidosis also occurs, to nil along ...19853985706
the incidence and pathology of dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs in nairobi. 19705465700
intestinal helminths of public health importance in dogs in a survey of intestinal canine zoonotic helminths in nairobi, 156 dogs were autopsied. of these, 10% were infected with echinococcus granulosus, 88% with ancylostoma caninum, 45% with dipylidium caninum and 3% with toxocara canis. all the infected dogs with e. granulosus originated from around abottoirs in dagoretti. the risk of infection in man with hydatid disease is considered to be high around dagoretti and control measures are recommended.19938187655
canine hookworm disease in nairobi, kenya. 1977859292
abattoirs and echinococcosis in nairobi dogs. 19948036660
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