
the non-sporing anaerobic bacteria in human faeces. 19744599664
does social deprivation in 1, 2, 3 and 4-year-old scottish infants influence the frequency isolation of caries-associated micro-organisms?the aim of this study was to determine if there are associations between the level of social deprivation/affluence and the frequency isolation of caries-associated micro-organisms (streptococcus mutans, streptococcus sobrinus, lactobacilli and yeasts) in a large cohort of infants examined annually from 1 to 4 years of age.200111472804
caries-associated micro-organisms in infants from different socio-economic backgrounds in scotland.the aims of this study were: (1) to compare the frequency of isolation of mutans streptococci, (streptococcus mutans, steptococcus sobrinus), lactobacilli and yeasts (caries-associated micro-organisms) in the saliva of 1-year-old infants with and without dental caries; and (2) to determine if socio-economic background influenced the frequency isolation of bacteria and caries status.200010785295
caries prevalence and microbiological and salivary caries activity tests in scottish adolescents.salivary and microbiological caries activity tests were investigated on three occasions in a group of 372 scottish adolescents. counts of lactobacilli, mutans streptococci, and candida were consistently and significantly associated with caries prevalence, as either ds or dmfs score, and buffering capacity was consistently inversely related to dmfs score. however, veillonella counts and salivary flow rate were not correlated with caries prevalence. significant improvements in the associations wer ...19902350947
salivary levels of mutans streptococci, lactobacillus, candida, and veillonella species in a group of scottish adolescents.salivary levels of mutans streptococci, lactobacillus, candida, and veillonella species were investigated on three occasions at annual intervals in a group of 372 scottish adolescents. counts of the micro-organisms studied were logarithmically distributed, with candida spp. being isolated from approximately half the subjects. counts of lactobacilli, mutans streptococci, and candida were significantly intercorrelated, while veillonella were associated consistently with mutans streptococci alone. ...19902297975
prediction of caries increment in scottish adolescents.salivary, clinical, and microbiological factors were compared with subsequent 2-yr caries increment in a group of 372 scottish adolescents. the caries increment was significantly correlated with previous caries experience, salivary buffering capacity and counts of lactobacilli, mutans streptococci and candida. veillonella levels and salivary flow rate were not correlated with caries increment. significant improvements in the predictions were obtained when the results of more than one test were i ...19912049927
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