
yeasts from high-altitude lakes: influence of uv radiation.mountain lakes located at a high elevation are typically exposed to high uv radiation (uvr). little is known about the ecology and diversity of yeasts inhabiting these extreme environments. we studied yeast occurrence (with special emphasis on those producing carotenoid pigments) at five high-altitude (>1400 m a.s.l.) water bodies located in the nahuel huapi national park (bariloche, argentina). isolates were identified using a polyphasic approach. production of photoprotective compounds (carote ...200919624739
yeasts from an oligotrophic lake in patagonia (argentina): diversity, distribution and synthesis of photoprotective compounds and extracellular enzymes.nahuel huapi (nh) lake is an oligotrophic temperate lake of glacial origin with high transparency, surrounded by well-developed forests and located at san carlos de bariloche, nahuel huapi national park, in patagonia, argentina. in this lake, we characterized yeast distribution and diversity along a south-to-north transect and established a relationship between the ability to produce photoprotective compounds (ppcs) (carotenoid pigments and mycosporines) and the occurrence of yeast at different ...201121223324
yeast communities associated with the bulk-soil, rhizosphere and ectomycorrhizosphere of a nothofagus pumilio forest in northwestern patagonia, argentina.soil microorganisms play an important role in soil quality and they interact closely with vegetation. little is known about yeast diversity and function in forest soil ecosystems and their interactions with other biotic soil components, particularly in the mycorrhizosphere. we studied the diversity of yeasts inhabiting the bulk-soil, rhizosphere and ectomycorrhizosphere of a nothofagus pumilio forest in nahuel huapi national park (bariloche, argentina). ectomycorrhizal infection was observed in ...201122067034
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