
avian paramyxovirus type 1 infections in racing pigeons in california. i. clinical signs, pathology, and outbreak of diarrhea and neurological disease in california racing pigeons caused by avian paramyxovirus type 1 (pmv-1) is documented. predominant clinical signs were polydipsia, ataxia, poor balance, torticollis, head tremors, inability to fly, and diarrhea that was unresponsive to therapy. gross pathologic findings were often unremarkable or non-specific. the predominant histologic lesions were interstitial nephritis, chronic tubular necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration within the kidne ...19921385700
an outbreak of an influenza-like illness in a nursing part of an ongoing infection surveillance program, data were collected on an outbreak of respiratory illness affecting 29% of residents in a 231-bed long-term care facility. viral titers could be collected on 60% of the ill residents and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) was established in 14 of the symptomatic patients and was thought to be the probable cause of the outbreak. compared with previously reported long-term institutional outbreaks of rsv, there were significantly fewer cases of p ...19902358628
a concurrent epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus and echovirus 7 infections in an intensive care nursery.we describe concurrent outbreaks of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and echovirus 7 (echo 7) infections in a neonatal intensive care unit, including infants who had dual infections. seventy-three infants were identified as having rsv from january through june, 1984. during the same surveillance period echo 7 was cultured from 20 infants, and 6 infants had concurrent rsv and echo 7 and rsv were isolated, but not concurrently. this dual outbreak of rsv and echo 7 infections persisted for months ...19892922234
field evaluation of a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine and a trivalent parainfluenza virus vaccine in a pediatric population. 19694305200
an outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in a nursing home for the outbreak of pneumonia and febrile respiratory illness took place in a los angeles county nursing home for the elderly in february and march of 1979. forty of 101 (40%) residents were affected. twenty-two (55%) had pneumonia and eight (20%) died. the outbreak extended over a period of 6 weeks. serological evidence implicated respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) as the causative agent. three patients had fourfold or greater rises in the titre of antibody to rsv, one had high titres in paired sampl ...19846527041
clinical profile of pediatric patients hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus update the clinical profile of pediatric patients hospitalized with rsv infection, we retrospectively reviewed the records of 246 children (male:female ratio 1.44:1) admitted during one season to a tertiary-care hospital. the most common admitting diagnoses were bronchiolitis (37.4%), pneumonia (32.5%), and possible septicemia (13%). median age was 3 months; median length of stay, three days. twice as many minorities were admitted with rsv infection as all other admissions during the same yea ...19938104752
administration of ribavirin to neonatal and pediatric patients during mechanical ventilation.we have modified the circuits of pressure-preset and volume-preset ventilators to permit the administration of ribavirin to mechanically ventilated infants suffering from respiratory syncytial virus. the modifications isolate the ventilator itself and permit continuous aerosolization for as long as seven days without ventilator malfunction from the effects of crystallized medication. excessive spilling of ribavirin into the environment is also avoided. each institution must devise its own experi ...198610315718
exposure to novel parainfluenza virus and clinical relevance in 2 bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus) populations.parainfluenza virus (piv) is a leading cause of respiratory infections in humans. a novel virus closely related to human and bovine parainfluenza viruses types 3 (hpiv-3 and bpiv-3), named tursiops truncatus parainfluenza virus type 1 (ttpiv-1), was isolated from a dolphin with respiratory disease. we developed a dolphin-specific elisa to measure acute- and convalescent-phase piv antibodies in dolphins during 1999-2006 with hemograms similar to that of the positive control. piv seroconversion oc ...200818325253
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