
the epidemiology of candidaemia and mould infections in australia.a retrospective review of candida bloodstream infections (bsi) in australian hospitals between 1995 and 1998 was performed. nine tertiary referral hospitals in the states of new south wales, victoria, south australia and queensland participated. of all isolates, 56% were candida albicans, 14% candida parapsilosis, 13% candida glabrata, 5% candida krusei and 4.5% candida tropicalis. there were significant differences in the distribution of species in different patient groups. among surgical patie ...200211801574
seeking clarity within cloudy effluents: differentiating fungal from bacterial peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients.fungal peritonitis is a serious complication of peritoneal dialysis (pd) therapy with the majority of patients ceasing pd permanently. the aims of this study were to identify risk factors and clinical associations that may discriminate between fungal from bacterial peritonitis.201122145033
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