ectoparasites in an urban population of big brown bats (eptesicus fuscus) in colorado. | ectoparasites of an urban population of big brown bats (eptesicus fuscus) in fort collins, colorado, were investigated during summers 2002, 2003, and 2004. eleven species of ectoparasites were found (the macronyssid mite steatonyssus occidentalis, the wing mite spinturnix bakeri, the myobiid mites acanthophthirius caudata and pteracarus aculeus, the chirodiscid mite alabidocarpus eptesicus, the demodicid mite demodex sp., the chigger leptotrombidium myotis, the soft tick carios kelleyi, the batf ... | 2007 | 17626343 |