
seasonal abundance and distribution of mosquitoes at a rural waste tire site in illinois.the species composition, abundance, and distribution of mosquito larvae in tires were determined on 3 dates at a relatively large rural tire dump (about 300,000 tires) in southeastern il (jasper county). several observations at this site differed from those in previous reports about mosquitoes in tireyards, including 1) a relatively high percentage of tires positive for aedes triseriatus larvae in an open-field area, 2) a greater abundance of culex pipiens than cx. restuans in late-season collec ...19979249660
modeling the impact of variable climatic factors on the crossover of culex restauns and culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae), vectors of west nile virus in illinois.the aim of this study was to model the impact of temperature on the timing of the seasonal shift in relative proportion of culex restuans theobald and culex pipiens l. in illinois. the temporal pattern of west nile virus (wnv) and st. louis encephalitis virus transmission in the midwest exhibits a late summer to early fall peak in activity, which parallels the temporal increase in the abundance of cx. pipiens. the daily number of egg rafts oviposited by each species has been monitored at multipl ...200616407364
a comparison of two west nile virus detection assays (taqman reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and vectest antigen assay) during three consecutive outbreaks in northern illinois.mosquitoes identified as female culex (culex) species, primarily mixtures or uniform batches of culex pipiens and culex restuans, were collected daily from gravid traps by 2 mosquito abatement districts (mads) in cook county, illinois. from 2002 through 2004, batches (pools) of mosquitoes were tested by the mads for west nile virus (wnv) by using vectest wnv antigen assays and the same samples were retested, usually within 1-2 wk, for wnv rna by the taqman reverse transcriptase polymerase chain ...200616646326
description of a culex pipiens gynandromorph from new york city.morphology and internal anatomy of a culex pipiens l. bipolar gynandromorph that was collected on september 3, 2005 in a gravid trap at springfield park in the borough of queens, new york city, ny is presented. the head of the mosquito possessed male palpi, compared to the rest of the body, which had female anatomical and morphological characteristics. the relation of morphological characteristics to physiological responses of the gynandromorph is discussed.200617304944
genetic variation associated with mammalian feeding in culex pipiens from a west nile virus epidemic region in chicago, illinois.mosquitoes of the culex pipiens complex are important vectors of west nile virus in the united states. we examined the genetic variations of cx. pipiens mosquitoes from chicago, illinois that were determined to be principally ornithophilic but exhibited a relatively higher inclination for mammalian hosts including humans. microsatellite analysis of 10 polymorphic markers was performed on 346 engorged cx. pipiens specimens with identified avian or mammalian blood meals. our results indicated that ...200919281434
a comparison of aboveground and belowground populations of culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes in chicago, illinois, and new york city, new york, using microsatellites.aboveground and belowground populations of the mosquito culex pipiens l. are traditionally classified as form pipiens and form molestus, respectively, and gene flow between forms is thought to be limited. relatively few f. molestus populations have been found in the united states, which has hindered their study in north america. in this study, we used microsatellites to characterize a newly discovered population of f. molestus in chicago, il, and compared levels of genetic diversity and differen ...201020939375
culex population dynamics and west nile virus transmission in east-central illinois.temporal changes in the abundance culex restuans and culex pipiens were monitored in east-central illinois for over a decade using infusion-baited oviposition traps. the 2 species typically exhibited a seasonal shift in relative abundance with a mean crossover date (when the proportion of egg rafts from both species is equal) of august 10 or 11, depending on leap year, with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 10.7 days. the date of crossover was linearly related to the date of last spring frost and ...200617067036
field trials of vectolex cg, a bacillus sphaericus larvicide, in illinois waste tires and catch basins.the susceptibilities of aedes triseriatus (say), anopheles punctipennis (say), culex restuans (theobald), and culex pipiens (l.) larvae to vectolex cg were determined. vectolex, formulated on corncob granules (10-14 mesh) was applied to 2 tire dumps and numerous catch basins located in east-central illinois. vectolex, formulated as effervescent tablets, was also applied to catch basins. in a sunlit dump, there was a 99.6% reduction in ae. triseriatus, cx. restuans, and cx. pipiens larvae as long ...19979474554
seasonal abundance and control of culex spp. in catch basins in illinois.street catch basins in western cook county, il, were examined regularly june through august of 1987 to determine their seasonal larval production, adult mosquito harborage and the influence of abiotic factors on the associated mosquito population. only larvae of culex pipiens (63% of total) and cx. restuans (37% of total) were recovered. these 2 species and cx. erraticus were the most frequently collected adults. the abundance of mosquito larvae within catch basins was not correlated with water ...19892614404
fine-scale variation in vector host use and force of infection drive localized patterns of west nile virus transmission.the influence of host diversity on multi-host pathogen transmission and persistence can be confounded by the large number of species and biological interactions that can characterize many transmission systems. for vector-borne pathogens, the composition of host communities has been hypothesized to affect transmission; however, the specific characteristics of host communities that affect transmission remain largely unknown. we tested the hypothesis that vector host use and force of infection (i.e ...201121886821
interaction of a pesticide and larval competition on life history traits of culex pipiens.mosquito larval development occurs in aquatic habitats that are directly or indirectly exposed to chemical contaminants. little is known about how interaction of these chemicals with other biotic and abiotic stressors impact mosquito populations. we used two levels of nutrient (low and high) and four larval densities (10, 20, 30, 40) to examine the effects of low concentrations of insecticide malathion, on culex pipiens l. mosquitoes experiencing stress from larval competition. addition of malat ...201020637716
developing operational algorithms using linear and non-linear squares estimation in python for the identification of culex pipiens and culex restuans in a mosquito abatement district (cook county, illinois, usa).in this research, community level spatial models were developed for determining mosquito abundance and environmental factors that could aid in the risk prediction of west nile virus (wnv) outbreaks. adult culex pipiens and culex restuan mosquitoes and multiple habitat covariates were collected from nine sites within cook county, illinois, usa, to provide spatio-temporal information on the abundance of wnv vectors from 2002 to 2005. regression analyses of the sampled covariates revealed that the ...200919440960
microsatellite characterization of subspecies and their hybrids in culex pipiens complex (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes along a north-south transect in the central united states.mosquitoes in the culex pipiens complex, cx. p. pipiens l. and cx. p. quinquefasciatus say are morphologically similar and important vectors of west nile and st. louis encephalitis viruses in the united states. the subspecies differ with respect to overwintering strategies, with cx. p. pipiens entering diapause in response to winter conditions and cx. p. quinquefasciatus lacking this ability, yet they hybridize when found in sympatry. specimens (n = 646) were collected using gravid traps set alo ...200919351074
rapid amplification of west nile virus: the role of hatch-year birds.epizootic transmission of west nile virus (wnv) often intensifies rapidly leading to increasing risk of human infection, but the processes underlying amplification remain poorly understood. we quantified epizootic wnv transmission in communities of mosquitoes and birds in the chicago, illinois (usa) region during 2005 and 2006. using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pcr) methods, we detected wnv in 227 of 1195 mosquito pools (19%) in 2005 and 205 of 1685 (12%) in 2006; nearly all were cul ...200818237262
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