
ochlerotatus j. japonicus in frederick county, maryland: discovery, distribution, and vector competence for west nile virus.ochlerotatus japonicus japonicus is reported for the 1st time south of the mason-dixon line, in frederick county, maryland. fifty-seven oviposition trap samples were collected throughout the county between june 30 and august 24, 2000. from 971 larvae reared from the oviposition traps, 5 species were identified: ochlerotatus triseriatus (45%), oc. j. japonicus (43%), aedes albopictus (7%), culex pipiens (4%), and toxorynchites ritulus septentrionalis (<1%). ochlerotatus j. japonicus was found wid ...200111480822
climate-based models for west nile culex mosquito vectors in the northeastern us.climate-based models simulating culex mosquito population abundance in the northeastern us were developed. two west nile vector species, culex pipiens and culex restuans, were included in model simulations. the model was optimized by a parameter-space search within biological bounds. mosquito population dynamics were driven by major environmental factors including temperature, rainfall, evaporation rate and photoperiod. the results show a strong correlation between the timing of early population ...201120821026
organophosphorous insecticide susceptibility of mosquitoes in maryland, 1985-89.from 1985 to 1989, the susceptibility of the 9 major culicine mosquito species in maryland to the larvicide temephos or the adulticide malathion was studied. the susceptibility of culex spp. to temephos has declined in most areas of maryland since 1967; however, only one strain of culex pipiens was found to be temephos resistant in this study. aedes sollicitans, ae. albopictus and ae. taeniorhynchus were temephos susceptible. all mosquitoes tested in the adult stage were susceptible to malathion ...19937682258
isolation of st. louis encephalitis virus from overwintering culex pipiens mosquitoes.two strains of st. louis encephalitis virus were isolated from overwintering mosquitoes collected in maryland and pennsylvania during january and february 1977. there isolations from culex pipiens constitute evidence that a mosquito-borne flavivirus can persist in a vector mosquito in temperate climates during the winter season.1978628843
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