
locomotion through use of the mouth brushes in the larva of culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae).the larva of the mosquito culex pipiens is a filter-feeder and is able to use the feeding current generated by its mouth brushes to glide slowly through the water. the hydrodynamics of the mouth brushes, and of gliding, were investigated by visualizing the feeding current using dyes. unlike the mouth brushes of a sessile filter-feeder such as the blackfly larva, those of c. pipiens function more like 'paddles' than 'rakes', a beneficial adaptation to life in still as opposed to running water. te ...200112123291
the vortex wake of the free-swimming larva and pupa of culex pipiens (diptera).the kinematics and hydrodynamics of free-swimming pupal and larval (final-instar) culicids were investigated using videography and a simple wake-visualisation technique (dyes). in both cases, swimming is based on a technique of high-amplitude, side-to-side (larva) or up-and-down (pupa) bending of the body. the pupa possesses a pair of plate-like abdominal paddles; the larval abdominal paddle consists of a fan of closely spaced bristles which, at the reynolds numbers involved, behaves like a cont ...200111441028
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