
surveys for disease agents in introduced elk in arkansas and kentucky.surveys for disease agents were conducted in introduced free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) in arkansas and kentucky. elk had been captured in colorado and nebraska and released in arkansas during 1981-1985. from 1997 through 2002 elk were captured in arizona, kansas, north dakota, new mexico, oregon, and utah and released in southeastern kentucky. specimens were collected from 170 hunter-killed elk in arkansas during 1998-2006, and 44 elk in kentucky during 2001-2004. significant findings ...201020090032
possible airborne person-to-person transmission of mycobacterium bovis - nebraska 2014-2015.mycobacterium bovis, one of several mycobacteria of the m. tuberculosis complex, is a global zoonotic pathogen that primarily infects cattle. humans become infected by consuming unpasteurized dairy products from infected cows; possible person-to-person airborne transmission has also been reported. in april 2014, a man in nebraska who was born in mexico was determined to have extensive pulmonary tuberculosis (tb) caused by m. bovis after experiencing approximately 3 months of cough and fever. fou ...201626938831
absence of tuberculosis in free-ranging deer in nebraska.lymph nodes from 271 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in nebraska (usa) were examined microscopically for tuberculoid lesions. lymph nodes lesions in at least one node were found in 12 deer. lesions were examined with zeihl-neelson acid fast stains and by polymerase chain reactions using m. bovis specific probes. no evidence of tuberculosis was found. the small granulomatous lesions were likely caused by other bacteria.199910073357
short-course chemotherapy for pulmonary infection due to mycobacterium bovis.three residents of the open door mission of omaha developed pulmonary infections due to mycobacterium bovis. all were alcoholics with malnutrition. the disease was most likely due to reactivation of a primary infection acquired at least 30 years earlier in the index case. both of the secondary patients had been treated more than ten years previously for infections due to mycobacterium tuberculosis. supervised short-course chemotherapy was effective in treating the disease caused by mycobacterium ...19853885893
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