
vertical distribution and anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments in hong kong, south china.the vertical distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) at different sediment depths, namely 0-2 cm, 2-4 cm, 4-6 cm, 6-10 cm, 10-15 cm and 15-20 cm, in one of the most contaminated mangrove swamps, ma wan, hong kong was investigated. it was the first time to study the intrinsic potential of deep sediment to biodegrade pahs under anaerobic conditions and the abundance of electron acceptors in sediment for anaerobic degradation. results showed that the total pahs concentrations (summa ...200919683792
isolation of pah-degrading bacteria from mangrove sediments and their biodegradation potential.surface sediment samples were collected from seven mangrove swamps in hong kong sar with different degrees of contamination. the total concentrations of 16 pahs in these sediments ranged from 169.41 to 1058.37 ng g(-1) with the highest concentration found in ma wan and the lowest in kei ling ha lo wai mangrove swamp. in each swamp, three bacterial consortia were enriched from sediments using phenanthrene (phe) as the sole carbon and energy source, and individual bacterial colony showing phe degr ...200516291206
different bacterial groups for biodegradation of three- and four-ring pahs isolated from a hong kong mangrove sediment.mangrove sediments have been found to degrade three- to four-ring pahs extensively. in the present study, 11 strains from 4 genera mycobacterium (3 strains), sphingomonas (5), terrabacter (2) and rhodococcus (1) were isolated from a single surface sediment sample of a hong kong mangrove swamp, among which the terrabacter strains were isolated to grow with fluoranthene for the first time. although all four genera could degrade three- and four-ring pahs, their in situ activities in natural sedimen ...200817868985
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