
clinical, epidemiologic, and virologic studies in four clusters of the chronic fatigue syndrome.the purpose of this study is to provide a case definition of chronic fatigue syndrome in an outbreak occurring in the nevada-california region to evaluate candidate etiologic agents and observe the natural history of the illness.19921323246
seroprevalence and risk factors for htlv-i/ii infection among female prostitutes in the united states.we tested 1305 female prostitutes from eight areas of the united states for antibodies to human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i/ii. overall, 6.7% were human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i/ii seropositive (with antibodies to both gag and env gene products). the seroprevalence rates ranged from 0% in southern nevada to 25.4% in newark, nj. human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i/ii seropositivity was independently associated with race (odds ratio, 4.68), intravenous drug use (odds ratio, 2.94), ...19902293689
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