
adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma: a rare case in the usa and review of the t-cell leukemia/lymphoma (atll), in its acute stage, is a uniformly fatal disease. atll is caused by the human t-cell lymphotropic virus i (htlv-1), a retrovirus endemic in numerous areas throughout the world including japan, the caribbean, central and south america and certain areas of the united states. although the progression from htlv-1 carrier status to atll occurs only rarely, atll is incurable and thus prevention of htlv-1 transmission should be a primary goal. with the development ...200211908716
seroprevalence of htlv-1 and htlv-2 among intravenous drug users and persons in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases.background. the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) is associated with adult t-cell leukemia and myelopathy, whereas htlv-ii infection has uncertain clinical consequences. we assessed the seroprevalence of these retroviruses among intravenous drug users and among patients seen at clinics for sexually transmitted diseases (std clinics).19921729620
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