
seroprevalence of human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 in papua new guinea and irian jaya measured using different western blot criteria.endemic foci of htlv-1 carriers have been found in the world, however, the origin of htlv-1 in humans is still unclear. since a distinct type of virus strain was isolated from the solomon islands, detailed surveys on htlv-1 prevalence in new guinea are important to shed light on its history of dissemination.200010720817
htlv-i, hiv-i, and hepatitis b and c viruses in western province, papua new guinea: a serological hundred and twenty-three serum samples from individuals in 13 gidra-speaking villages in western province, papua new guinea were tested for evidence of infection with human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i), human immunodeficiency virus type i (hiv-i), hepatitis b virus (hbv) and hepatitis c virus (hcv). no samples were positive for antibodies to hiv-i. antibodies to htlv-i were found in 13 samples (1.8%), hbv surface antigens (hbsag) were found in 86 samples (11.9%), and antibodies to ...19937690354
failure to isolate human t cell lymphotropic virus type i and to detect variant-specific genomic sequences by polymerase chain reaction in melanesians with indeterminate western immunoblot.the controversy over the endemicity of human t cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) in melanesia has been settled recently by the isolation of genetically distinct, highly divergent sequence variants of htlv-i from unrelated inhabitants of papua new guinea and the solomon islands. still at issue, however, is the significance of the high frequency of indeterminate htlv-i western blots (defined as reactivity to only gag-encoded proteins) among melanesians. to investigate whether this indetermin ...19921629703
serological cross-reactivities between the retroviruses hiv and htlv-1 and the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum.serum samples from three populations of papua new guinea, where plasmodium falciparum malaria and human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1) are coendemic at high prevalence rates, showed statistically significant elisa co-seropositivity and co-seronegativity. cross-reactivity was further indicated by the presence of 10 bands ranging from 134 kda to 18 kda on immunoblots of electrophoresed whole lysate p. falciparum antigen against serum of htlv-1 seropositive patients from an area where malaria ...199810741173
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