
[ectoparasites in goat and sheep folks from alto mearim and grajaú microregion, state of maranhão].goat and sheep folks from alto mearim and grajaú microregion, state of maranhão, were examined by inspection and by feeling to collected ectoparasites. the specimens were kept in individual bottles for each host sampled with alcohol 70 degrees gl as preserver liquid. the identification was carried out at universidade estadual do maranhão at the laboratory of parasitology. the ticks were examined in stereomicroscope and identified through aragão and fonseca (1961) dicotomic key; the lice were mou ...200516153346
occurrence of anti-neospora caninum and anti-toxoplasma gondii igg antibodies in goats and sheep in western maranhão, brazil.neosporosis and toxoplasmosis are parasitic diseases which can cause reproductive problems in goats and sheep. the current study aimed to determine the occurrence of anti-neospora caninum and anti-toxoplasma gondii igg antibodies in goats and sheep from the districts of amarante do maranhão and buritirana, imperatriz microregion, western area of maranhão state, northeastern brazil, and to assess factors associated to infection by these etiologic agents. blood samples from 110 animals (46 goats a ...201122166386
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