
perinatal lamb losses. 2. a preliminary survey of new zealand perinatal lamb losses in the areas surrounding gisborne, wairoa, nelson, rangiora and ashburton. 19665229795
sir david monro, md (1813-1877), of new zealand: his antecedents and his descendants.david monro, md, was a son of the third professor monro of edinburgh. he went into practice in edinburgh and then emigrated to the nelson settlement in new zealand. there he practised a little medicine, but was mostly a gentleman sheep-farmer. he was a member of the first parliament of new zealand in 1854 and served as the second speaker, when he did much to set up proper standing orders for the colonial legislature. he was knighted in 1866.200414740022
a serological survey of the prevalence of antibodies against enteroviruses in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new zealand: enteroviruses have a limited distribution in brushtail establish an immunoassay to detect antibodies against enteroviruses in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), and to determine the prevalence of seropositive samples of antibodies to enteroviruses in wild possums in new zealand.201020200572
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